Sound of Creation: Sonic Meditations
1 Season . 5 Episodes TV-G

Travel on waves of sound with this collection of meditations from musicians Kimba Arem, Jonathan Goldman, and Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson that sonically guide listeners through wordless journeys toward harmonic resonance.

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Travel on waves of sound with this collection of instrumental sound meditations from musicians Kimba Arem, Jonathan Goldman, and Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, featured on Gaia’s original series ‘Sound of Creation’.

Let yourself be guided through these sound journeys toward harmonic resonance and healing.

It is recommended to practice these sound journeys sitting or lying down with closed eyes, allowing your breath to deepen, and the mind to get clear and centered.

At the end of the meditation, please take your time to come back and ground.

Featuring: Kimba Arem, Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, Jonathan Goldman
29 mins TV-G
Featuring: Kimba Arem
Part 1 of this sonic meditation is designed to take you on a journey of graceful flow into your body, and your chakras/energy system, facilitating self-healing.
40 mins TV-G
Featuring: Kimba Arem
Part 2 of this sonic meditation is designed as a sound journey to be practiced sitting or lying down with closed eyes, allowing your breath to deepen, which helps the mind to clear and center.
30 mins TV-G
Featuring: Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson
Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson shares a brainwave entrainment binaural beat designed to slow your brainwave pulses down to one every 10 seconds, which can help us achieve theta wave states - the dominant frequency for healing.
30 mins TV-G
Featuring: Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson
Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson shares a brainwave entrainment binaural beat designed to slow your brainwave pulses down to one every 20 seconds, which can help us achieve theta wave states - the dominant frequency for healing.
23 mins TV-G
Featuring: Jonathan Goldman
Sound healer Jonathan Goldman shares this healing meditation designed to help us journey into cosmic consciousness. Each meditation includes an accompanying visual of the Sri Yantra, which can be used as an anchor of focus.