Unearthing Nazca
1 Season . 9 Episodes TV-PG

Scientists found the largest mummy, Maria, to be female and carbon dated her at roughly 1,700 years old.

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NAZCA: THE COMPLETE STORY - DOCUMENTARY NOW AVAILABLE: http://www.gaia.com/video/unearthing-nazca-complete-story

In spring of 2017, researchers began a scientific inquiry into the origins of six, three-fingered mummies found in Nazca, Peru.

Preliminary results from tests performed on the largest mummy's anomalous hands, cross-examined against the rest of the body, revealed no evidence to indicate a hoax. Scientists found the largest mummy, Maria, to be female and carbon dated her at roughly 1,700 years old.

The tedious work of placing the mummies' DNA in our fossil record, comparing it to modern and ancient humans has begun. As each finding yields more questions, find the latest news here.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English, German, Spanish, French
5 mins TV-PG
More Updates available now! In this special report, join Gaia filmmakers near Nazca, Peru to investigate a new discovery. Initial examinations suggest the possibility of material that is unlike anything found in the fossil record.
6 mins TV-PG
In the spring of 2017, Gaia filmmakers joined researchers and scientists in a remote location outside of Nazca, Peru to investigate an unearthed mummified body. Could this be tied to an ancient culture or evidence that a non-human species exists?
8 mins TV-PG
Following the discovery of an anomalous mummified body near Nazca, Peru, independent scientists and universities begin analyzing samples of the 1600+ year-old body. Original CT scans reveal a well-preserved 5’6” three-fingered and three-toed body with an elongated skull.
9 mins TV-PG
Confirmation of carbon dating from a second independent test on the body named Maria have come in. We also learn that she was not alone. The team has gotten reports of smaller bodies being discovered in the same tomb.
18 mins TV-PG
In Update 4 we share more results and take a look at two more bodies that have come from the tomb bearing resemblances to Maria and Victoria.
7 mins TV-PG
The team reconvenes in Peru to begin analysis of a new body, one that is much smaller, but appears to be of the same species as Maria. They call this one Wawita, because it appears to be a baby.
8 mins TV-PG
Multi-disciplinary scientists studied the mummies in detail, each through their own unique lens, to unearth new evidence that goes more deeply into Maria and Wawita’s composition
16 mins TV-PG
Since the investigation into the three-fingered Nazca mummies began, research teams around the world have worked to match samples from the large mummy, Maria, to the human genome. This next phase of DNA sequencing now suggests the body’s genetic makeup is unlike anything in our known fossil record.
1 hr 8 mins TV-PG
If you have seen the updates, and followed along with the evidence, you are ready to dive deeper into the details of what really happened. Join the Gaia investigative team in their intrepid pursuit to unearth the secrets of the Nazca mummies.