Nichole Golden

Nichole Golden

Nichole’s teachings stand out for their delicate balance of sweetness and the call to find depth within yourself. With over a decade of teaching experience, Nichole holds teaching certifications in vinyasa and perinatal styles and is a credentialed meditation teacher. She is also a certified birth doula and Reiki practitioner. With a presence that is both graceful and commanding, Nichole believes that transformation occurs with integrated movement alongside self-reflection. Her mission as a yoga and meditation teacher is to awaken the world to the goodness inside everyone. Along her teaching journey, she has become a passionate advocate, supporting mental health awareness and the needs of women through yoga and meditation philosophy. When practicing alongside Nichole, expect invitations to listen to your heart’s intentions while focusing on the breath, physical alignment, and gratitude. Nichole loves exploring all of the magic that nature offers with her daughter and husband near their Colorado home. Discover more about Nichole:

210 classes found

Yoga Every Day
Embody grace (anugraha) by moving on your mat. Graceful, refined movement may not come naturally to all of us, but with practice and good effort we can slowly refine how we inhabit our bodies.
Yoga Every Day
Invite deep, conscious breaths as you move through a mindful sequence of stretches, ending with guided breathing exercises. Notice how taking deep breaths illuminates the path to embodying grace.
Yoga Every Day
Move gracefully with your breath through a series of lunge poses and twists.
Yoga Every Day
This slow flow is designed to cultivate asteya (non-stealing) by learning to focus on abundance. Remember the abundance that surrounds you, tapping into the richness of your physical and spiritual surroundings through opening your heart and side bodies.
Yoga Every Day
Still the movements of your mind with outer hip opening and hamstring stretching, then close with a short meditation.
Yoga Every Day
Begin to move past maya (illusion) and into the unknown with this hamstring-opening practice. Begin on your back with leg stretches and hip opening before moving to a a short standing sequence culminating in one-legged balancing.
Yoga Every Day
Play with the dynamics of being simultaneously connected to the Earth and brilliantly lifted as you move through a series of lunging poses.
Yoga Every Day
Express gratitude for the gift of you! With this warrior sequence, turn your appreciation inward and give thanks to the unique gifts that you share to make the world a wonderful place.
Yoga Every Day
Tune in to the music and movement of the universe in this practice to imagines ourselves as a part of a global gathering of song and dance. Listen to the organic motion of your body and sing the song of your heart through backbends and balance poses.
Yoga Every Day
Find the magic in the mundane with a practice to will open your eyes and body to the extraordinary expression of all things. Through arm balances and hip-openers, expand the concept of your own physical form and understand the beauty of your body in new ways.
Yoga Every Day
Over time, many of us learn to wear a suit of armor to defend ourselves from the harshness of the world. Through movements for the hamstrings, quads, and backbends, we can begin to take off our protective covering and allow ourselves to touch and be touched by life.
Yoga Every Day
The body is an amazing vessel. Explore simple poses and a breath practice to find enchantment in sensation.
Yoga Every Day
Encounter the possibility of the impossible as you integrate hamstring stretches and hip-opening poses. Work toward the peak pose of wild thing, a fun way to shine big while creating space and strength.
Yoga Every Day
For things to manifest in the way you dream, it is important to be clear and purposeful. Explore a practice that will open your heart to intentional movement, such as backbends and spinal twists.
Yoga Every Day
Create space for stillness while allowing your energy to settle and your ideas to breathe. Welcome pause into your day with patient space for your body to expand with side body stretches and hip-opening postures.
Yoga Every Day
Begin to venture deep within by challenging the habits ingrained in your physical and mental patterns. Through hip-openers and IT band stretches, travel through movements to culminate into a potentially new and uncharted peak posture, baby grasshopper.
Yoga Every Day
The future exists on the foundation of the present. How can you truly move forward until you are fully here now? Wrap your body and mind completely around the pure presence of the current moment, while exploring postures in the hips, feet, and legs.
Yoga Every Day
While life gives us so many opportunities to close our hearts, our yoga practice can be the perfect opportunity to open it back up. Work on strengthening the life force that lives in the bright center of the heart by moving through poses that challenge you to stay open and shine.