Steph Schwartz

Steph Schwartz

Steph Trinidad, formerly Schwartz, weaves yogic storytelling into feel-good flows that unlock hearts and inspire souls. With 17+ years of teaching experience, Steph draws heavily from the devotional qualities of Bhakti yoga combined with the fluid and physical aspects of vinyasa. Steph masterfully translates yogic philosophy through mantra (chanting) and is deeply connected to her kirtan community. She also knows how to move with heat-building mandala flows woven with humor and compassion to maintain presence. Practitioners can expect concise alignment cues delivered with a poetic understanding of the human body and its superhuman capabilities. Her path to yoga started off the mat and on the road as an ultra marathon runner, where she found yoga as an injury prevention tool and mental stamina practice to help her go the distance. Steph is also a skydiving enthusiast, BASE flyer, and dog parent to Boogie and Diggit. Discover more about Steph:

281 classes found

Steph Schwartz
Step into the heat of the practice with movement, breathwork, and mudras for focus. Open with chanting OM, kapalabhati (skull-shining) breath, and active movement. Leave feeling reinvigorated and inspired.
Steph Schwartz
Yoga increases oxygen and blood flow to the brain to help diminish pain and discomfort. Enjoy this gentle, flowing sequence as a helpful practice for PMS-related headaches.
Steph Schwartz
Invite strength and courage with a strong mudra (hand gesture), the mantra "I am strong and confident," and grounded standing poses to encourage physical and mental strength.
Steph Schwartz
Yoga helps us become better friends with ourselves with awareness, kindness, and gratitude. Detox physically and emotionally in this dance between breath and body, and infuse the practice with a personal gratitude mantra. Begin with a mudra (hand gesture) and the mantra “yam” for the heart chakra (energy center), then move into a well-rounded flow full of twists and backbends.
Steph Schwartz
Welcome the new year with new beginnings. Use Ganesha mudra (hand gesture) to establish your intention and flow into an open heart. Explore movements for hips, hamstrings, and spine, culminating in a version of camel pose.
Steph Schwartz
The winter solstice is a time for renewal, radical self-care, and regeneration. Learn to flow through transitions with ease through twists, backbends, lunges, and hip openers with intention and breath.
Steph Schwartz
For yoga teachers, a shoulder reset practice to strengthen and stabilize the shoulders (for all those demonstrations you didn’t warm up for), and stretch around the shoulders and neck to release held tension. Explore variations of plank, down dog, dolphin, and seated shoulder stretches.
Steph Schwartz
Facing your big dreams and goals can sometimes feel overwhelming. This practice is designed to help you connect with the endurance of your spirit and courage of your heart. Begin with a chant to Ganesha, believed to be the remover of obstacles, before moving through a heart, shoulder, and hip opening standing sequence leading to a bound pigeon variation.
Steph Schwartz
Lift from the heart to connect with gratitude while releasing stuck patterns. Begin seated, move into supine movements, then come up to standing variations of binds and hip-openers.
Steph Schwartz
Connect to your breath and move your body in this dynamic flow designed to tap into Shakti, the force and vitality behind all creation. Begin with the mantra “om aim hreem shreem” with Kali mudra (hand gesture), then move into the physical flow starting slow before picking up momentum into fluid, continuous movement. Explore variations of backbends, arm balances, and standing balancing poses.
Steph Schwartz
A flow inspired by the highly intelligent octopus, the water ninjas that help us accomplish goals and dreams in life by accessing creativity and intuition. Enjoy grounded fluidity within hip and heart openers, side body stretches, and tentacle-like arm variations.
Steph Schwartz
Enjoy this effective sequence to bring relief to tired runners' feet. Begin standing with a calf stretch and ankle rolls, then lie down and send your legs up the wall for further release of your toes and feet.
Steph Schwartz
Tired wrists and hands from your yoga practice, typing, or texting? Take five minutes to stretch out the major muscles from your fingers all the way up to your shoulders.
Steph Schwartz
Release any stuck or stagnant energy with this active, challenging flow leading up to side crow and fallen angel. Begin with a short mantra chant followed by kapalabhati (skull-shining) breath work, then move through a series of energizing twists, hip openers, balance poses, and arm balances.
Steph Schwartz
Explore the dance between strength and softness in this rejuvinating practice. Open with earth mudra (hand gesture) and the heart bija mantra (seed sound) “YAM." Move through a series of heart-openers, flowing movements, and balancing poses to surrender with an open heart.
Steph Schwartz
Explore the water element and your physical core starting with power mudra and the bija mantra “VAM.” Flow through core-strengthening shapes, heat-building movements, and lots of options for fun transitions.
Steph Schwartz
This class stretches the notoriously tight running muscles including the hip flexors and psoas muscles. Practiced mostly close to the ground, this practice offers an accessible pace to explore supported bridge variations, supine and seated hip stretches, yogic squats, lunges and hamstring stretches.
Steph Schwartz
A strong core makes for a strong run! Strengthen your entire core – front, back, and sides – in this power-packed flow class.