1 Season . 13 Episodes TV-PG

You are about to embark upon a path that could unlock the deepest mysteries of your limitless human potential. Join us as we challenge you to step up beyond any perceived limits to safely and easily experience the next level of your evolution.

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Limitless (Preview)

You are about to embark upon a path that could unlock the deepest mysteries of your limitless human potential. In this revolutionary series, Ben Stewart pulls together research and practical applications from many fields ranging from science, spirituality, philosophy, nutrition and fitness to bring you real-world techniques that can help you transcend limited thinking and reach your full superhuman potential.

Join us as we challenge you to step up beyond any perceived limits to safely and easily experience the next level of your evolution.

Host: Ben Stewart
Audio Languages: English, German, French, Spanish
Subtitles: English, French, German, Spanish
25 mins TV-PG
What do you think is impossible for you to accomplish? The time has come to start your journey to unlock the purpose of your highest potential.
22 mins TV-PG
Ben Stewart takes us deeper into the language of the body and the lingo of the spirit to discover the secret of the human riddle.
26 mins TV-PG
Tap into the power of nueroplasticity to unlock your supernatural powers with these simple changes.
25 mins TV-PG
Hack your reality using sacred postures to connect with the body’s quantum information. Ben Stewart explains how you can integrate your environment to bring clarity, healing, and psychic opening.
19 mins TV-PG
Laugh, smile, and play your way to increased healthy and longevity. Ben Stewart shares simple ways to integrate fun into our work, family, and spiritual life.
25 mins TV-PG
Experience the flow states of connection that make shamans and athletes feel lost in the moment. Ben Stewart shares simple breathing techniques to get us in the zone of optimal performance.
21 mins TV-PG
Transform your life with incremental changes in diet and habits. Ben Stewart offers a daily spiritual practice to sustain these changes and slow down our fast-paced lives.
22 mins TV-PG
Break the shackles of limited thinking with the placebo response. Ben Stewart shares how the power of belief and the artist’s mind can change our chemistry and can help us create new habits in the world around us...
21 mins TV-PG
Unlock the complex nature of longevity through the wisdom of the ancients and modern science. Ben Stewart explores secrets of centenarians who know how to bring joy into their lives and spiritual practice.
27 mins TV-PG
Learn to live in harmony with the trillions of microbiotic cells within the gut. Ben Stewart discusses how our microbiomes influence our lives and how to make small changes in diet and meditation.
24 mins TV-PG
Stop, take a breath, and relax with these self-care tips from Ben Stewart. In this fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to release stress and forgive ourselves to unlock our highest potential.
23 mins TV-PG
Break free of culturally ingrained habits that rely solely on logic and reasoning. Ben Stewart shares easy ways to integrate art, love, and intuition in a way that balances overly rational thought systems.
24 mins TV-PG
As our world is facing mass extinction and ecological disasters, there is a real need for us to see the bigger picture and reevaluate our behavior on a global scale Ben Stewart discusses the things we can do for us to step into our full potential as a species as we hone our body and mind into optimal states.