The Conscious Cleanse
1 Season . 14 Episodes TV-G

Want a fast track to feeling fantastic and living a vibrant, radiant, and fulfilling life? In just two weeks, detox your system and tone your body with this simple formula for vibrant health. Our most successful guide yet, the 14-Day Clean Eating & Yoga Challenge is a straightforward approach to living a vibrant life.

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Day 1: Get Ready (Preview)

Want a fast track to feeling fantastic and living a vibrant, radiant, and fulfilling life? In just two weeks, detox your system and tone your body with this simple formula for vibrant health. Our most successful guide yet, the 14-Day Clean Eating & Yoga Challenge is a straightforward approach to living a vibrant life through nutrition and yoga.

Cleanse Overview: Cleanse Packet:

Nutrition We’ve partnered with Jo & Jules from The Conscious Cleanse for the 14-Day Clean Eating & Yoga Challenge, a day-by-day elimination cleanse. Learn what can stay, what should go, and how to eat for vibrancy and well-being.

Yoga Why do yogis cleanse? To clear attachment and aversion—two obstacles to a yogi’s goal of union with the self. Calm your mind chatter and clear bad habits with asanas designed to move toxins and dislodge blocked energy. These yoga asana practices will nourish your body physically and mentally.

Teacher: Jo Schaalman & Jules Peláez
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
37 mins TV-G
Get ready to change your life. Today you’ll get an overview of The Conscious Cleanse Clean Eating & Yoga Challenge from Jo and Jules. Set your intention for this two-week journey, get the 411 on clean eating and yoga practice, plus get a Grocery Shopping List and plenty of easy recipes to create.
55 mins TV-G
One of the best ways to get clean from the inside out is with the daily addition of a green smoothie to your diet. Start your day off right with a smoothie that takes less time to make than a visit to the coffee shop. Here’s how to make them.
46 mins TV-G
The building block of life, water is an essential nutrient that most of us don’t drink enough of. Learn how much you need and the best times to drink it.
1 hr 1 min TV-G
Today, Jo and Jules walk you through the staple items you should always have on hand for clean eating, the Conscious Snack Pack, and tips to fill your fridge like a champ.
34 mins TV-G
Did you know that sugar is one of the most addictive substances on the planet? Today, remove sugar from your diet.
35 mins TV-G
Today, remove caffeine and alcohol from your diet. Here are tips for weaning yourself from these stimulants in order to access your body’s natural sources of energy and live a happier, healthier life.
43 mins TV-G
Is gluten-free simply a trend, or is there more to the story? What about that little bean called soy? These two ingredients can be confusing, but we’ll set you straight and give you alternatives to eat.
37 mins TV-G
airy and eggs can increase inflammation, which is the root cause of all disease in the body. We’ll offer alternative sources for calcium and protein from foods you may have never even thought of.
22 mins TV-G
Now that you’re eating clean, your body is detoxing from all that dirty stuff you were feeding it before. Recognize the symptoms of detox, and learn some tips for how to care for your body during this time.
43 mins TV-G
By giving your digestive system a rest, other organs in your body have a chance to heal. Gift yourself the opportunity to become quiet and feel what wisdom and emotions bubble to the surface.
42 mins TV-G
Today we invite you to withdraw from the world and seek a space of stillness and minimal distraction.
30 mins TV-G
The following guided visualization will help you to imagine your most radiant self and come face to face with who you truly are.
41 mins TV-G
Today, we’re discussing what‘s not on your plate—the stuff beyond food that feeds your soul. Let’s take a look at the other aspects of your life that may need some fine tuning.
33 mins TV-G
Today we’ll give you tips to keep your radiance alive so you can sustain the positive results you’ve worked so hard to achieve.