Activate Your Creative Core
1 Season . 5 Episodes TV-G

This smart, creative and powerful series with Ashleigh Sergeant explores 360 degree conscious engagement of your multi-dimensional core from head to toe. Supine poses, hand balancing, squats, lunges, pilates style movements and more come together to create an essential connection between your upper and lower body.

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Redefining the Core (Preview)

The core is far more than the muscles in the belly. A truly activated core includes the hips, thighs, buttocks, low back, and corset area. This smart, creative and powerful series with Ashleigh Sergeant explores 360 degree conscious engagement of your multi-dimensional core from head to toe. Supine poses, hand balancing, squats, lunges, pilates style movements and more come together to create an essential connection between your upper and lower body. Reorganize your posture, rewrite any negative patterns in the belly and/or creative energy and stand in your power!

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
49 mins TV-G
This class explores the full, 360 degree conscious engagement of your deepest core stabilizing muscles to grant you all day access to your personal power, resulting in confidence, integrity and empowered action. Learn quick and effective movements to “turn on” the parts of your body needed to reorganize your posture and stand in your power.
39 mins TV-G
A powerful exploration of heat and then steadiness that comes from turning, pulling, squeezing, and curling deep within. This entirely supine (on your back) core strengthening experience will leave you deeply connected to your power with renewed inspiration and confidence in your inner will.
38 mins TV-G
Explore the relationship between your glutes, core, and shoulders as synergists. Together these areas create a container for your creative energy to flow. As you blend the the grounding energy of your lower body into relationship with the insight of your mind's intuition, you will unify the channel of your personal power and divine will.
51 mins TV-G
This creative, strength-based sequence explores all aspects of core power from the energetics of the second and third chakras to the essential stabilizing muscles of the glutes and deep abdominals. This slow flow sequence includes inversions, detailed alignment cues, articulate breath instructions, and a seated meditation.
51 mins TV-G
This skillful restorative class stays low to the ground and kicks in the parasympathetic nervous system, creates space for the vital organs and ensures deep assimilation of all core work. Digestion and assimilation are two primary and essential functions of a healthy, balanced core. All muscles need to be lengthened and released to counterbalance engagement and strength. This class is not to be missed if you want to truly rewrite any negative patterns in your belly and/or creative energy.