Everyday Yoga: Flexibility
1 Season . 5 Episodes

We all have places that seem to be forever tight. This series offers specific techniques to both strengthen and open parts of the body that need the most flexibility.

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Flexibility for Shoulders (Preview)

We all have places that seem to be forever tight. This series offers specific techniques to both strengthen and open parts of the body that need the most flexibility.

Teacher: Tiffany Bush
Episode 1
2 mins
This flexibility series is meant to help open and retrain your body to work with dynamic stretching. The techniques used here are a combination of mind-body training, dynamic stretching and a technique called PNF - proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. This series is great for athletes and all those who say "I'm not flexible."
Episode 2
20 mins
Wrists and shoulders all have the chance to open through dynamic movements that pulse, twist, and hold in stretches that release and relieve tension.
Episode 3
20 mins
This sequence will target your ankles, hips, quads and hamstrings. Begin on your back and explore shapes and stretches that continue to release those tight spots.
Episode 4
20 mins
Open your chest and heart space and melt tension in your shoulders and back. This class travels through a variety of seated, standing, and laying down shapes to encourage release in your torso.
Episode 5
21 mins
Soften and stretch out any tightness in your hips and hip flexors through a series of kneeling, standing and supine postures. Build strength in the muscles surrounding your hips to support healthy mobility.