Akashic Records for Beginners: Can We Access Our Akashic Records?
![Akashic Records for Beginners: Can We Access Our Akashic Records?](/wp-content/uploads/imagine-picture-id857175262-768x432.jpg)
Are the Akashic Records some cosmic repository of endless file cabinets in infinite hallways and stacks? Where did this concept come from? Do these records exist in time and space like a galactic internet? How do we access the Akashic Records?
In this article, we’ll go over:
- What are Akashic Records
- The history of Akashic Records
- Who can read Akashic Records
- How to access your Akashic Records
What Are The Akashic Records?
While many describe or explain the concept in different ways, in essence, the Akashic Records are believed to be the repository of every thought, word, and deed of every living being, good, bad, and awful, in all times; past, present, future. It’s a compendium of knowledge of all life forms and entities. But those familiar with the records report that there is no judgment or implied penalty in the records — they are said to simply be a record of each soul’s journey through the infinite.
History and Origin of the Akashic Records
One of the earliest references to the Akashic Records in modern times was made by Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical movement in the late 19th century. Theosophy is an esoteric belief system that incorporates philosophical tenets from eastern religions while maintaining that “there is no religion higher than Truth.”
Blavatsky claimed she learned of the records from Tibetan monks, or “mahatmas” who said the records could be found in the “akasha,” or “akasa,” the Sanskrit word for astral light, or the ether element in eastern belief systems. This fifth element of space is considered the fundamental fabric of reality from which all other elements emerge — the source of material reality. The eastern idea of karma is a major facet of the akashic records.
These “Masters of the Ancient Wisdom,” as Blavatsky referred to them as, taught her clairvoyance, psychic abilities, and astral projection. She used these tools to channel information from the akashic records and built a large following of Theosophists, including some famous ones.
Metaphysician Rudolf Steiner also referenced the Akashic Records, asserting that every action, word, and thought leaves a trace in etheric realms. Contemporary physicist Ervin Laszlo explores concepts of Akasha from the perspective of science, concluding that the Akasha contains templates for human ideals such as harmony and equanimity. This is reflected in his “Akasha Paradigm,” which he relates to the evolutionary processes of human beings.
Those who subscribe to Akashic record models often reference the Book of Life first mentioned in the old testament (Exodus). Biblical scripture asserts that a record of every life is kept in heaven, and it is from these records that souls are judged.
Explorations of the akashic field were also a major focus of the writings and work of Edgar Cayce. Cayce’s Akashic studies posited that there is a storehouse of information in a non-physical plane of existence, which maintains a record of every soul’s past, present, and future. Cayce’s readings are some of the best known.
Who Can Read the Akashic Records?
While Debbie Ritter may dispute being described as an “expert,” she qualifies. After studying Mandarin Chinese, practicing environmental law, and lifelong studies of yoga, shamanism, Buddhism, and a Course in Miracles, she turned to develop her native intuitive talents. Training with several teachers, she studied the Akashic Records with author Linda Howe, who developed the Pathway Prayer Process. Now she is an intuitive life coach, psychic medium, and Akashic Records reader.
When asked about obstacles to accessing the records, she explained that the system is simply not everyone’s “thing.” She said, “Working in the records may be something that some people are curious about, but for whom nothing clicks. When that happens, it may be perfectly valid that there is another path or modality that will resonate with that person. I see this when I’m doing short intro sessions. Personal curiosity satisfied, they move on to something else.”
She added that another roadblock is disbelief and the inability to let go of skepticism, explaining that some are up against preconceptions or they distrust their own experience. Regardless, Ritter believes no one is forbidden from the records. “It’s just not my experience, as a reader or a teacher,” she said, adding that some shy away from the records due to anxiety. “It is up to the individual to decide whether to continue. In my case, the anxiety indicated that internal issues were being stirred up. I was able to get support from both the Records and others to do some inner work.”
Ritter added that there are occasional “false” Akashic Record readings. She said that clear indicators are fear or negativity. “Also, a strident tone, such as ‘you must do this’ or ‘you must do that’ is out of character with the nature of the Records,” Ritter explained that this also disempowers individual choice.
“Similarly, there is no ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ in the records, as life is the result of multiple, constantly shifting contingencies and synergies. Life is more complex than that, and there is no certainty in the outer world,” she said.
6 Steps for Accessing the Akashic Records
The search words “access Akashic Records” in a Google search returns 4,270,00000 results. Dozens of Youtube gurus are soliciting “How to Access Your Own Akashic Records” content, along with hypnosis programs claiming to lead listeners straight into the cosmic hallowed halls.
Those who access the records report that seekers may experience meeting guides, angels, and behind-the-scenes players. It seems that the galactic library is well staffed. Some say that accessing the records is a type of “channeling” — others say they receive information in dreams.
Again, one might imagine opening a “scroll” of one’s life, but those claiming to have accessed the records report any number of experiences: images of guides, temple environments, or auditory messages or instructions — some report “movies” of past lives. After sifting through different accounts of the Akashic Record reports it becomes obvious that everyone has an experience that is unique to them.
Some access the records on first attempts, others persist for weeks or months before achieving success, so approaching the effort in the spirit of “play,” free of expectation, may be the best approach. Many say that persistence in the form of repeated sessions over time brings the best results. There are as many methods found in books, blogs, and Youtube videos, as there are diverse reports. That said, there are fundamental principles common to many methods.
- Decide what you want to know. Are you just “browsing?” If so, define your intention, which might be, “I want to confirm the existence of the Akashic Records,” or “I want to experience the realm of the Akashic Records.”
- Do you have a specific question? Try spending a little time clarifying intention, perhaps by writing your thoughts with the understanding that there are no “wrong” questions or intentions — you can ask what you like, but you may not always get an answer.’
- When you’re ready, clearly state your intention and request that any guides, whether you know them or not, assist you.
- Use whatever meditation and breathwork practice you prefer to enter a relaxed, open state — give yourself time to let your energy settle and center. Ask to be allowed to access the records in regard to your question — now stay in an open, receptive state, allowing information to enter your awareness. It could be visual or auditory or come in the form of a loved one, guide, or angel.
- If you connect with another being, ask their name and clarify that you’re looking for access to the records in regard to a question.
- When you’re ready, end your session and take the time to record the experience. Did you get access? If not, it’s ok — for many, it takes more than one attempt to tune in to this healing energy. Even if you believe nothing happened, write down any impressions or thoughts — hindsight may reveal more than expected.
The Akashic Records are a vast trove of information containing incredible wisdom and insight from a soul level. If you’re curious to learn why you are who you are, how you got here, or future possibilities you may find yourself experiencing in this lifetime, it can be an amazing resource. Do yourself a favor and dig into Edgar Cayce’s readings, the history of Blavatsky and the Theosophists, as well as Ervin Laszlo, and that should give you a pretty solid foundation to start your explorations. And for even more information check out Gaia’s content on the Akashic Records here.
Brain Waves Study Shows Humans Can Sense Earth's Magnetic Field
![Brain Waves Study Shows Humans Can Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field](/wp-content/uploads/iStock-1000887866-768x432.jpg)
In a CalTech study, scientists determined that human brains do in fact have a sixth sense many have long suspected; magneto-reception. Much like the various animals that use the planet’s magnetism for navigation, the study showed that humans are subconsciously affected by Earth’s ever-shifting magnetic field.
By placing participants inside of an electromagnetic-shielding Faraday Cage wrapped with powerful square “Merritt coils,” researchers were able to recreate a magnetic field on par with the planet’s, which they were able to manipulate. They then measured subjects’ brainwaves using EEG caps while moving the magnetic field clockwise, counterclockwise or not at all.
Unsurprisingly, when measuring the subject’s alpha brain waves, scientists noticed a response tied to the various shifts in their Earthlike magnetic field. The only anomaly they detected was that these alpha waves were unresponsive to a rotating magnetic field that pointed toward the ceiling.
Though not entirely sure why this might be the case, scientists said it may be due to the brain not responding to confusing magnetic stimuli. All subjects involved came from the planet’s northern hemisphere and responded only to fields pointing the same way the planet’s magnetic field points in that half of the world. They said they would need to conduct tests with people from the southern hemisphere to confirm this theory.
Researchers involved also say they believe this ability is a defunct, leftover trait from our past; a “lost, ancestral magneto-sensory system.”
But others have long suspected that humans are far more sensitive to shifts in the Earth’s magnetic field than we’re even aware of. This is largely due to the fact that it’s been well-documented that human brains, like other animals, contain large amounts of magnetite – a magnetic mineral believed to act as a receptor to the Earth’s magnetic field.
Scientific studies on magnetite and their reaction to extremely low frequency (ELF) waves have shown that certain frequencies can impact mood and cause physical ailments such as depression, anxiety, nausea, and headaches. But magnetic fields at slightly higher frequencies can have the complete opposite effect, resulting in anxiety relief and stress reduction.
When it comes to large scale effects of the Earth’s magnetic field on the population at large, similar types of consistent behavior correlated with magnetic fluctuations have been observed. During geomagnetic storms and periods of drastic magnetic change, such disparate actions as increased suicide, fluctuations in the stock market, and upswings in birth rates have been recorded.
And now, some studies are starting to observe even more bizarre behavior related to our newly discovered magneto-reception: telepathy.
For more check out our video Brain Crystals and Psychic Powers: