Using The Science of Intention Setting for Success at Work

Using The Science of Intention Setting for Success at Work

According to many spiritual leaders and success gurus, good fortune, abundant health, love, and finance do not come to you by accident. You call them forth with your thoughts, actions, and intentions. And if you are not experiencing days filled with joy and fulfillment at work, it is likely that you only have your own subconscious mind to blame.

Many old, limited and toxic belief systems hide out in our subconscious mind and are secretly running the show of our lives. When you are focused on your current state of misery, scarcity, and ‘want,’ then you will receive more of the same. Yet merely by thinking of yourself as having joy and abundance at work, you will start the process to make it a reality and begin to attract the right resources and people to you.

Setting Your Intention

Start by taking a big picture approach to your goals and be specific. If you know what you want, don’t beat around the bush. Boldly ask for it. Saying “I am a confident and detail-oriented senior copywriter” leaves little question as to what you are trying to accomplish. When you acknowledge the direction you’d like your career to shift, you can start to approach your workday with a whole new sense of being — every action you make throughout the day starts to change with your intention in mind.

Rephrase your goals in a positive way that brings you even closer to what you want. Saying “I am happily employed at the job of my dreams” will eventually help you figure out what those dreams actually are.

Even thinking through your intention helps you get really clear on what you might want out of your job, which in turn helps you make clear decisions that are focused solely on that goal. You might start to ask yourself “Does this new project I am taking on serve my intention?”

Give these mantras a try

Repeat these to yourself daily or write them down in a journal.

  1. I am confident in my skills and will keep an open mind when new challenges arise.
  2. I am getting a new job that inspires me to challenge myself and that makes me happy.
  3. I am focusing my energy on what I can accomplish in the present moment and not dwelling on mistakes from the past.
  4. I am successful in everything I set out to accomplish.
  5. I am a valuable asset to the company.
Science of Intention

Science of How Intentions Work

When you say a mantra and/or intention it creates an energetic pattern in your consciousness. Extensive research has been developed by Dr. William A. Tiller where he measured the frequency of intention using a crystalline-based silicon technology. His research has shown evidence that directed human intention can increase or lower the pH of water by 1 point, the growing of larvae at a 30% increased rate, and the killing of bacteria at a 30% increased rate.

Science explains the power of intention using quantum physics and the idea of information entanglement. Think of time as an imaginary distance. Entanglement occurs when two particles are deeply linked where one particle can instantaneously influence the other even at great distances non-locally. Subtle energies can travel faster than electromagnetic light.

“For the last four hundred years, an unstated assumption of science is that human intention cannot affect what we call ‘physical reality.’ Our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for today’s world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct. We humans are much more than we think we are and Psychoenergetic Science continues to expand the proof of it.”
– Dr. William A. Tiller

Is there a difference between quantity and quality of intention?

If you’ve ever tried meditating you know that training your mind to focus on a specific thought or idea takes work. Just thinking of an intention once for a few seconds won’t create as strong as an energetic pattern in your consciousness as if you were to do it daily for a set amount of time.

The Flow of the Universe: Move From Scarcity to Abundance

The Flow of the Universe: Move From Scarcity to Abundance

Our goal of living an abundant and happy life with all our creative and financial needs met is why we work so hard every day. When working harder and longer hours isn’t being reflected back to us in our bank balance, we need to look at our mindset about money.

Abundance, or lack thereof, is connected to feelings inside of us. These feelings come from our past experiences and our societal cues. According to Eckhart Tolle, “a person’s thinking and beliefs are conditioned by their past: their upbringing and culture they live in.”

Negative experiences as a child can create a scarcity mindset. If we overheard our parents fighting over money, we may relate acquiring affluence with instability and fear. A chaotic family life where there was never enough money but plenty of drama around the subject can create deep patterns of resistance such as: blaming others for lack, overspending to fill a void, or hanging on too tight for fear of running out of it.

We live in a world where the messages of scarcity are all around us.

We must buy everything on sale, not overspend and think there is never enough. We are victims of a scarcity consciousness that effect our actions and perceptions.

There are many who are unable to free themselves from the burden of guilt they feel from ignoring the class structure that confined their parents. Making over a certain amount can actually cause shame and feelings of unworthiness, so success is often sabotaged without being conscious of what is really happening at a deeper level. These mindsets can hold our earning potential hostage. If we have a failure mindset, we are fighting the natural flow of the universe, always swimming upstream and wondering why we don’t seem to be getting anywhere. We need a whole new perspective on wealth.


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