Dayna Seraye

Dayna Seraye

Dayna’s teachings weave diverse techniques that support your wholeness, radiance and well being. She loves to infuse asana practices with pranayama, kriya (energy practices), mudra and organic movement to create well-rounded and inspiring experiences for her students. In Dayna’s classes expect safe invitations to find your tender edge where healing and evolution happen. While Dayna has been sharing the wisdom of vinyasa, hatha, kundalini, and meditation teachings to her students since 2011, her teaching foundation is rooted in her long term dedicated personal practice and study. She enjoys weaving themes that have inspired her journey into her teachings, including emotional healing, shadow work, self-love and clearing limitations. When off the mat, find Dayna soaking up nature with her family, leading authentic relating trainings and dancing through this wild ride of life. Learn more at

121 classes found

Yoga Every Day
A heart-opening practice with an emphasis on asteya, one of the five yamas (yogic ethical restraints), and loosely translates as “non-stealing.” Asteya means so much more than simply not taking something from another without his or her permission. In the subtler dimensions of this teaching, asteya points us to what we are doing with our energy and time. Are we being a taker? Or are we contributing in valuable ways to any experience we find ourselves in?
Yoga Every Day
Explore the power and intelligence of the heart to cultivate a greater capacity to surrender and trust the flow of life.
Yoga Every Day
Deepen into the theme of ishvara pranidhana (surrender) with this vibrant practice to create space and mobility within your hips and devotion within your heart.
Yoga Every Day
Practice the art of surrender (ishvara pranidhana) while opening your hamstrings in deep forward folds.
Yoga Every Day
Ishvara pranidhana is one of the five niyamas, or yogic principles that guide us in life, and refers to the power of surrender. Explore the ability to be like a tree in the wind, soft yet flexible, so that we bend but do not break. We’ll focus on standing and balancing postures as we surrender into the base of our body.
Yoga Every Day
Today, we explore Saucha by purifying our bodies and minds through simple but powerful inversions.
Yoga Every Day
Call in the cleansing power of heart-openers through this study of saucha (cleanliness). We’ll explore how deepening our breath in backbends helps to let the healing energy of the heart flow freely.
Yoga Every Day
Work with saucha (purification) through cleansing twists and liberating movements in this practice designed to explore your natural lightness of being.
Yoga Every Day
Practice some intense pranayama (breath) combined with postures to help move stagnant energy on every level.
Yoga Every Day
Cultivate the bhavana (feeling) of devotion through heart-opening poses in this gentle flow.
Yoga Every Day
Cultivate courage and fearlessness as you explore the art of balancing poses. Start by tuning into your center in toe stand, then move into a sequence of balancing postures that feature Qigong-inspired movement and builds up to full dancer’s pose (natarajasana).
Yoga Every Day
Learn how to balance power with gentleness in this flow. Includes many variations of warrior postures.
Yoga Every Day
Discover the soft, fluid, juiciness of the hips in this flow that dances open any tightness in the groins and inner thighs. Tune into the feeling tone (bhavana) behind our movements.
Yoga Every Day
In this practice, join Dayna in bringing more breath and awareness into the back body and increase your capacity to trust in what we don’t yet see or understand.
Yoga Every Day
Connect with the intelligence in your gut - which can guide you purposefully through life. Begin with breath work to activate your core, then move into an intense core-strengthening plank sequence.
Yoga Every Day
Work with backbends to face the fear of the unknown. Expand your heart in all directions in this heart-opening flow featuring kriya (action) and asana (poses) that culminate in upward-facing bow (urdva dhanurasana).
Yoga Every Day
Discover trust (shraddha) in this practice by rooting down with standing and balancing poses. Begin with a short mudra (hand gesture) and mantra meditation to connect with your root chakra (energy center), then move into a flow that weaves in balancing postures.
Yoga Every Day
Build dedication to your practice (abhyasa) with a core-strengthening sequence that brings us into closer connection with our center and trust. Pranayama (breath) exercises will build confidence in your core along with a series of core exercises that culminate in crow pose (bakasana).