Dayna Seraye

Dayna Seraye

Dayna’s teachings weave diverse techniques that support your wholeness, radiance and well being. She loves to infuse asana practices with pranayama, kriya (energy practices), mudra and organic movement to create well-rounded and inspiring experiences for her students. In Dayna’s classes expect safe invitations to find your tender edge where healing and evolution happen. While Dayna has been sharing the wisdom of vinyasa, hatha, kundalini, and meditation teachings to her students since 2011, her teaching foundation is rooted in her long term dedicated personal practice and study. She enjoys weaving themes that have inspired her journey into her teachings, including emotional healing, shadow work, self-love and clearing limitations. When off the mat, find Dayna soaking up nature with her family, leading authentic relating trainings and dancing through this wild ride of life. Learn more at

121 classes found

Yoga Every Day
The path of commited practice isn’t always an easy journey. To develop our abhyasa (devotion to practice), we must first be honest with ourselves about where we are at. Allow your heart to open up to whatever arises for you in this practice, which centers on a backbending sequence that leads up to an optional upward-facing bow (urdhva dhanurasana).
Yoga Every Day
Explore this steady yet challenging practice to create space in all areas of your hips and legs.This practice begins with a chant and builds to a flow with standing postures intended to open your lower body. Find stillness with longer grounded yin postures as you work toward hanumanasana (full splits). Inspired by the energy of the monkey god, Hanuman, draw courage from your heart as you embody possibility and devotion.
Yoga Every Day
Explore warrior and balance postures that build up to half-moon as you express your loving commitment to showing up for yourself, and your practice.
Yoga Every Day
Through practicing heart openers and cultivating meditative awareness, we will start to pay attention to the wisdom within ourselves.
Yoga Every Day
Liberate any tension stored in your hips and explore Shunya — the state of open, spacious awareness in which we are free of any struggle or stress. Begin in a long-held, yin-like seated posture before moving into a hip-opening sequence that works up to lizard pose (utahan pristhasana), all the while remaining in constant connection to the breath.
Yoga Every Day
A detoxifying, twisty flow, to create space (shunya) and open up for new beginnings. Begin with the breath of fire (kapalabhati) pranayama (breath work) to release stuck energy. Then, a twisting, heat-generating flow that builds up to revolved half-moon pose (parivrtta ardha chandrasana) to activate your inner fire. Close with a mudra meditation that invites the breath to flow throughout the central channel and calls to open up to our own peaceful nature.
Yoga Every Day
Release stuck energy in the areas around your spine. Open with a clearing meditation followed by a sequence of spinal undulations. Close with a short flow to strengthen and stretch the spine.
Yoga Every Day
Gratitude resonates at a similar frequency to love, and both emanate from the heart center. Tap into the gratitude that lives in your heart space, the anahata chakra, in this nourishing practice full of heart-openers and backbends.
Yoga Every Day
Today and everyday is a good time to give thanks! Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations we can experience. Neuroscience tells us that even the experience of seeking something to be grateful for - whether you find it or not - brings us to a more appreciative space. Enjoy light-hearted practice filled with heart-openers and juicy lunges to attune to all that you are grateful for.
Yoga Every Day
Ganesh, the elephant-headed deity and remover of obstacles, also places challenges before us to stimulate the growth that comes with overcoming adversity. Through mantra, mudra (hand gestures), flowing side-body stretches, and heart-openers such as wild thing, this practice will both present challenges and clear the way for more joy, peace, and clarity.
Yoga Every Day
With a strong core, your yoga poses will be much more stable, powerful and effective. You will notice the same thing in life off the mat - when you attune deeply to your the central hub of who you are, you will feel more confident and empowered in your life. In today’s practice, work your core muscles and hug into your center point to expand and radiate from this place of strength.
Yoga Every Day
Did you know that turning the corners of your mouth upward into a smile shifts your mood and disposition? Explore what happens when we try on a smile in our poses, and invoke a full body smile through a well-rounded, uplifting asana (movement) sequence that includes side-body stretches and invigorating lunges.
Yoga Every Day
Tune into the rising currents of kundalini energy, the primal energy of a coiled snake at the base of the spine. Begin in seated spinal awakening before moving into a short sequence of hip- and spine-opening postures. Use a mudra (hand gesture) and tune into the power of the sacral chakra (energy center) to bring awareness to an increased state of aliveness and perception.
Yoga Every Day
Yoga teaches us the art of self-inquiry, encouraging us to look within and investigate our inner landscape, which takes both curiosity and courage. In this practice, get curious and get real about what is happening inside of you through an exploration of standing and balance poses such as eagle pose (Garudasana) and warrior III (virabhadrasana III).
Yoga Every Day
Hatha yoga, the physical practice of yoga, is designed to unite opposites within our body and mind. In sanskrit, “ha” means sun and “tha” means moon. Play with the polarities of solar and lunar energies as you explore balancing poses, pranayama, and mindfulness.
Yoga Every Day
Enjoy a breath practice, then move into some restorative, hip-opening poses to cultivate inner peace, soothe the nervous system, and calm the mind.
Yoga Every Day
Cultivate your inner warrior and find the balance between strength and softness, power and grace in this dynamic flow practice.
Yoga Every Day
With all the time we spend looking at screens, eye stress is a real phenomena. Focus on releasing tension from the eyes and face through simple but effective yogic movements.