Nichole Golden

Nichole Golden

Nichole’s teachings stand out for their delicate balance of sweetness and the call to find depth within yourself. With over a decade of teaching experience, Nichole holds teaching certifications in vinyasa and perinatal styles and is a credentialed meditation teacher. She is also a certified birth doula and Reiki practitioner. With a presence that is both graceful and commanding, Nichole believes that transformation occurs with integrated movement alongside self-reflection. Her mission as a yoga and meditation teacher is to awaken the world to the goodness inside everyone. Along her teaching journey, she has become a passionate advocate, supporting mental health awareness and the needs of women through yoga and meditation philosophy. When practicing alongside Nichole, expect invitations to listen to your heart’s intentions while focusing on the breath, physical alignment, and gratitude. Nichole loves exploring all of the magic that nature offers with her daughter and husband near their Colorado home. Discover more about Nichole:

200 classes found

Yoga Every Day
The way we treat the external world is a true reflection of the way we treat our own self. Non-harming (ahimsa) is first and foremost to be applied to self and it clear in this practice that encourages us to be kind to our bodies.
Yoga Every Day
Embody the fruits of eternal commitment to constant renewal. This practice allows us to explore our personal edge and attempt a challenging arm balance while staying curious about where we have come from and where we have yet to go.
Yoga Every Day
Create space and ease within the body with chest- and shoulder-openers. Allow spaciousness through your heart beginning on your back, moving to a short standing series, and then to several belly-down chest openers.
Yoga Every Day
Unlock blocks and create space in areas of the body that hold a lot of tension such as the shoulders and hips. Find physical and mental comfort in poses that ask for softness.
Yoga Every Day
Explore broadening the boundaries of your body and mind so that you can physically feel your ability to stretch into your limitations. Practice a series of poses focusing on opening the hamstrings and working towards hanumanasana (full splits).
Yoga Every Day
Focus on poses that physically churn the body to wring out stuck energy and clear out old, un-useful tendencies that tie us down emotionally and clog our inner pathways.
Yoga Every Day
Apply your integrated inner awareness into the outer world. This whole body sequence encourages us to expand out while keeping our internal connection.
Yoga Every Day
Practice balance, build strength, and open your heart with poses like half moon (ardha chandrasana) and half frog (ardha bhekasana). This practice will help to digest and assimilate newfound insights that have been accumulated through the study of self-inquiry into the body and the mind.
Yoga Every Day
Practice some challenging balancing poses as you reflect on your inner experience.
Yoga Every Day
Work on taking the seat of the witness by using hamstring stretches, such as wide-leg forward fold (prasarita) and twists. Allow observation of “what is” without judgment or attachment to a theory or a story.
Yoga Every Day
Create a container of concentration (dharana). Through a series of lunges, forward bends, backbends, and breath work, allow the practice to become a moving meditation, training our often scattered minds to be held steadfast and improving our ability to focus.
Yoga Every Day
Explore freedom from one of the root causes of suffering through this practice: abhinivesha (the fear of death/ending). This klesha (root cause of suffering) can be interpreted as mistaking the impermanent for the permanent. Move through backbends, strengthening posttures, and breath work before a restful close in savasana.
Yoga Every Day
Dive into aversion (dvesha). Aversion - the opposite of attachment - is a strong dislike to something or someone. Creating a neutral palette means allowing life to be just as it is without attaching a story of good or bad to it; let sensation be sensation, thoughts be thoughts and people be people without allowing it to negatively impact you in mind or body.
Yoga Every Day
Today’s topic is attachment (raga) and more specifically extreme attachment to things that are pleasing to the mind and pleasurable to the senses. Explore how you can enjoy the sweetness but not be a prisoner of indulgences. Vairagya means being unattached to the desire to repeat experiences of pleasure.
Yoga Every Day
A practice to celebrate altruism: the practice of selfless concern for others. Moving through a seated meditation and a series of postures that weave belly-down spine strengthening with supine heart openers, begin to explore asmita, which means egoism or the mentality of "I, me, mine" and how to shed this in order to embody humility. Invite in a feeling of oneness to purify the illusion of separation and re-collect you to the collective heart of all beings.
Yoga Every Day
Explore avidya, which means ignorance in how we can experience misperception of the true nature of things. With the help of our yoga practice we can polish the mind so that our perception of things is crystal clear, therefore diminishing suffering that is caused from misunderstanding.
Yoga Every Day
Explore both the fifth and sixth chakras in this nourishing practice. The energetic home of these chakras are the neck/throat and the forehead, which you'll access through breathwork and postures supporting these areas of the body.
Yoga Every Day
A gentle heart opening practice to expand your ablility to give and receive love.