Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers about UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. There is no aspect of the phenomenon Richard won’t study. He continues to look forward to exploring this topic in all its depth, a topic he believes opens our doors of perception, challenging us to see the world differently and more clearly.
42 videos found
Stairway to the Stars
UAP Among a World in Revolution Part 1
Are we at the brink of a transhuman revolution? UFO historian Richard Dolan, speaking at the Stairways to the Stars event, shares why UAPs/ UFOs are garnering more public and official attention now more than ever.
False Flags
The Age of False Flags
In this inaugural episode of False Flags, Richard Dolan guides us to see through the fear mongering of mass manipulation and free ourselves from the shackles of lies and deception.
Stairway to the Stars
UAP Among a World in Revolution Part 2
What possible interest could ETs have with humanity? Richard Dolan continues his talk at the Stairway to the Stars event, and he shares staggering statistics highlighting the prevalence of UFO sightings and contact all over the world.
False Flags
Unraveling 9/11
Richard Dolan begins to unravel why the events of 9/11 took place and who could have benefited from the outcome. We discover plans to enforce the power of the petrodollar and to remove any opposition to OPEC rules of commerce.
Rise of False Flags with Richard Dolan
Richard Dolan reports that false flag operations have been a regular part of major governments since the 1600s. Since then, false flags have become the most violent form of propaganda, being used for cultural conditioning and mainstream distractions.
False Flags
The Power of Knowledge
False Flags concludes with an examination of the increasing sophistication of false flag operations and Richard Dolan gives us a glimpse of their future developments. It appears that false flags are here to stay, and it is imperative that we become aware of them, to stay empowered for positive change, for all.
Beyond Belief
Disclosure Goes Mainstream with Richard Dolan
Richard Dolan takes us back to 2017 when things started to change as UFOs received credible coverage in major news outlets detailing a seismic shift in the mainstream portrayal of unexplained aerial phenomena.
False Flags
History of False Flags
Richard Dolan explains how the state makes use of propaganda to achieve specific ends that would otherwise be impossible to justify. To do this, he takes us back to ancient times to explore the earliest forms of false flags.
False Flags
Investigating 9/11
Richard Dolan investigates the events of 9/11 to discern discrepancies in the official narratives, bringing us closer to uncovering what really transpired on that fateful day. Although we still don’t have a definitive answer, some of the alternative narratives posed offer plausible solutions.
False Flags
The Modern Age of Deception
Richard Dolan reveals details of three events which ushered in the modern age of deception. Before we can definitively identify these as false flags, we must ask, who benefits?
Beyond Belief
Bringing Disclosure to the World
Richard Dolan has uncovered the motivations underlying the perpetual suppression of information by government agencies. The nature of the political reality holds firm to a policy of secrecy that maintains power and profitability for a select few.
False Flags
False Flags of the Cold War
With the end of WWII the US and Soviet Union began a cold war for global control. Both sides engaged in tactics to convince the people that they needed to submit to ever increasing levels of authority, for their own protection.
False Flags
Propaganda Machine Leading Up to WWII
Richard Dolan explains how authoritarian governments use mass media propaganda to raise public support for military actions by examining false flag operations enacted by Japan and the Soviet Union, which led up to WWII.
Aerial Phenomena
The True Origins of UFO Secrecy
Richard Dolan explains the possible reasons why it was a necessity for the United States government to maintain UFO secrecy. He also explores the significant cost involved to keep such information from the public hands.
False Flags
False Flags and Regime Change
Richard Dolan outlines the steps used to enact revolution in foreign countries and install a government friendly to domestic interests. This becomes apparent as he details events in a post-WWII world where the United States perfected sophisticated False Flag tactics to bring about regime changes on an international scale.
False Flags
False Flags of the Nazi Party
Richard Dolan exposes how the Nazi party, in the 1930s, manipulated the German people into agreeing to aggressive actions prior to WWII. What the Nazi leaders learned from these actions, is that the public can always be brought to do the bidding of their leaders.
Aerial Phenomena
Is There a Breakaway Civilization?
Richard Dolan explores information on secret space programs, and their potential connections with UFOs.
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