Alan Watts on Eastern Wisdom and Modern Life
1 Season . 18 Episodes

Alan Watts was a philosopher, writer, speaker, and expert in comparative religion — especially Eastern religious traditions. This fascinating 18-part series stands unequalled in its brilliant analysis of modern civilization.

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Alan Watts on Eastern Wisdom and Modern Life (Preview)

Alan Wilson Watts (January 6, 1915 – November 16, 1973) was a philosopher, writer, speaker, and expert in comparative religion. He was in the forefront of popularizing Eastern religions and philosophies (especially Zen Buddhism, Taoism and Hinduism) and making them accessible for Western audiences. Watts wrote more than twenty-five books and numerous articles on subjects such as personal identity, the true nature of reality, consciousness and the pursuit of happiness, relating his experience to scientific knowledge and to the teachings of Eastern as well as Western religions and philosophies.

Watts wrote and anchored two seasons of the Eastern Wisdom and Modern life public television series, in which he explored the growing influence of Far Eastern ways of liberation in contemporary western culture. This fascinating 18-part series stands unequalled in its brilliant analysis of modern civilization. Filled with clear, precise, easily understood examples and explanations, this series provides keys to actualization and self-awareness. Recorded in San Francisco in 1958 through 1960.

Host: Alan Watts
Episode 1
29 mins
Alan Watts speaks on the contrast between Eastern and Western attitudes in regard to man's place in nature – are we nature's conquerors or collaborators?
Episode 2
29 mins
Alan Watts presents an explanation of the East Indian idea of maya: the division of the world into separate things and events is a work of human thought and not a fact of nature.
Episode 3
29 mins
Alan Watts discusses the East Indian concept of time and the illusion of living for the future as the tomorrow that never comes.
Episode 4
29 mins
Buddhism symbolizes its basic spiritual experience as a void, but Alan Watts explains this must not be taken literally.
Episode 5
29 mins
Alan Watts examines the value of silent-mindedness or the practice of meditation in Hinduism and Buddhism.
Episode 6
29 mins
Alan Watts explores Buddhist ideas of the value of death as the great renovator.
Episode 7
27 mins
Alan Watts discusses the East Indian idea that we have forgotten who or what we really are through identifying ourselves with the individual personality.
Episode 8
29 mins
Alan Watts reveals his research resources for the series of Eastern Wisdom and Modern Life thus far, and he answers questions about points in the previous programs. He recommends books for further study.
Episode 9
26 mins
Alan Watts discusses the Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist ideas about physical and moral pain.
Episode 10
27 mins
Sense or meaning is a property ascribed to symbols rather than the real word.
Episode 11
27 mins
In this talk, Alan Watts shows the value of the vague and gentle approach reflected in Far Eastern poetry and painting.
Episode 12
27 mins
Alan Watts speaks on the contrast between organic and legalistic views of the order of nature.
Episode 13
26 mins
Alan Watts explores the contrast between organic and mechanical world views and the difference between the growing process and the making process.
Episode 14
29 mins
A look inside Zen monastic life and practice reveals a culture of dialog and subtle humor between master and student.
Episode 15
29 mins
Alan Watts focuses on Zen-inspired brush painting in the Chinese and Japanese traditions.
Episode 16
29 mins
Alan Watts speaks about the remarkable integration of traditional Japanese homes and gardens within the rural landscape.
Episode 17
28 mins
Alan Watts demonstrates how the Taoist influence in Aikido and Judo also influenced swordsmanship.
Episode 18
28 mins
Alan Watts brings his expertise to bear in this presentation of Mahayana Buddhist and traditional Christian world views.