Quick Every Day Meditations with Emily Spurling
1 Season . 8 Episodes

There's a meditation for every occasion in this 8-part series. Whether you're having trouble sleeping, need to clear some negative energy or want to manifest your ultimate life, you will love this series filled with dreamy visualizations and practical tools for living a more peaceful life.

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Quick Every Day Meditations with Emily Spurling (Preview)

There's a meditation for every occasion in this 8-part series. Whether you're having trouble sleeping, need to clear some negative energy or want to manifest your ultimate life, you will love this series filled with dreamy visualizations and practical tools for living a more peaceful life.

Teacher: Emily Spurling
Episode 1
7 mins
Take a journey to the depths of the rainforest where a majestic waterfall awaits you in this guided visualization meant to clear negative thoughts, patterns, and energy.
Episode 2
6 mins
This guided meditation is meant to increase energy and provide a sense of contentment and inspiration as you greet the day.
Episode 3
5 mins
Melt your day away in this guided meditation to encourage your body and mind into a deep state of relaxation ready for a beautiful night's sleep.
Episode 4
6 mins
Dream big and use this meditation as a tool to make your heart's deepest desires a reality.
Episode 5
2 mins
Replace your afternoon coffee with this energizing meditation that will inspire clarity and focus for the rest of your day.
Episode 6
15 mins
This yoga nidra practice puts you into a fully conscious state between wakefulness and sleep where you become acutely aware of your inner world and explore deep relaxation.
Episode 7
9 mins
From the root to the crown, balance the seven main chakras (energetic centers) of your body in this grounding meditation.
Episode 8
7 mins
This guided meditation provides images to help shed stress and environmental toxicity and bring your body into an optimal state of self-repair.