WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.007 (intense orchestral music) 2 00:00:03.007 --> 00:00:04.681 There is one vibratory field 3 00:00:04.681 --> 00:00:07.294 that connects all things. 4 00:00:07.294 --> 00:00:09.351 It has been called Akasha. 5 00:00:09.351 --> 00:00:11.642 The primordial Ohm. 6 00:00:11.642 --> 00:00:13.475 Indra's net of jewels. 7 00:00:14.352 --> 00:00:16.435 The music of the spheres. 8 00:00:17.306 --> 00:00:20.394 And a thousand other names throughout history. 9 00:00:20.394 --> 00:00:23.506 (intense orchestral music) 10 00:00:23.506 --> 00:00:24.737 The ancient teachers taught, 11 00:00:24.737 --> 00:00:25.877 Nada brahma. 12 00:00:25.877 --> 00:00:28.044 The universe is vibration. 13 00:00:28.931 --> 00:00:31.960 The vibratory field is at the root of all 14 00:00:31.960 --> 00:00:33.305 true spiritual experience 15 00:00:33.305 --> 00:00:36.401 and scientific investigation. 16 00:00:36.401 --> 00:00:38.950 It is the same field of energy that saints, 17 00:00:38.950 --> 00:00:41.748 buddhas, yogis, mystics, 18 00:00:41.748 --> 00:00:43.869 priests, shamans, and seers 19 00:00:43.869 --> 00:00:47.452 have observed by looking within themselves. 20 00:00:49.956 --> 00:00:51.803 Many of history's monumental thinkers 21 00:00:51.803 --> 00:00:54.793 such as Pythagoras, Kepler, 22 00:00:54.793 --> 00:00:57.960 Leonardo da Vinci, Tesla, and Einstein 23 00:00:59.528 --> 00:01:02.506 have come to the threshold of the mystery. 24 00:01:02.506 --> 00:01:06.089 (intense orchestral music) 25 00:01:08.019 --> 00:01:11.221 In today's society, most of humanity has forgotten 26 00:01:11.221 --> 00:01:13.317 this ancient wisdom. 27 00:01:13.317 --> 00:01:17.366 We have strayed too far to the realm of thinking. 28 00:01:17.366 --> 00:01:20.326 What we perceive to be the outer world of form, 29 00:01:20.326 --> 00:01:24.625 we have lost our connection to our inner worlds. 30 00:01:24.625 --> 00:01:27.589 This balance, what the Buddha called 31 00:01:27.589 --> 00:01:28.751 the middle way. 32 00:01:28.751 --> 00:01:31.943 What Aristotle called the golden mean, 33 00:01:31.943 --> 00:01:35.245 Is the birthright of every human being. 34 00:01:35.245 --> 00:01:38.495 It is the common root of all religions. 35 00:01:39.684 --> 00:01:43.928 (intense orchestral music) 36 00:01:43.928 --> 00:01:45.862 And the link between our inner worlds 37 00:01:45.862 --> 00:01:47.591 and our outer worlds.