Sean Stone

Sean Stone

Sean Stone, actor, film director, producer, cinematographer and screenwriter, began his career by acting in his father Oliver Stone’s movies, such as Wall Street, The Doors, JFK, Natural Born Killers, and Savages, just to name a few.

He has since starred in and directed his first feature, Greystone Park, based on his experiences with shadowmen, demons, and ghosts in abandoned mental hospitals along the eastern seaboard.

In 2012, Stone joined the team of investigators for the TruTV hit, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, before becoming the host of Buzzsaw.

32 videos found

Living for Death with Cyndi Dale
Death is an inevitability which we all must face, and there is a way that we can spiritually prepare for the greatest adventure of our lives. Cyndi Dale offers guidance for living in ways that will prepare us to properly transcend the moment of death.
Ancient Events in an Electric Universe with David Talbott
David Talbott explains that electricity, arcing across the solar system, had a powerful effect on events in the ancient world. This may have served as provocation for many of the myths which have persisted across the ages.
The Shadow Government with Daniel Sheehan
The current institutions of control have secret roots which reach all the way through some of the most pivotal moments in human history. Daniel Sheehan exposes the detailed history and machinations of an elite power group which rose to power near the end of World War Two.
E.T. Contact Through Remote Viewing with Ed Dames
Major Ed Dames explains that the deep state is controlling information concerning alien contact, and we can bypass these controls using Remote Viewing.
Upon the Fourth Turning with Jay Weidner
Every 80 years we are forced to rethink everything that we have been doing and own up to the sins of the past. Jay Weidner explains that a great societal transformation is prone to beset the U.S. as we quickly approach the Fourth Turning.
Consensus Reality & the Cyberspace Revolution with David Seaman
David Seaman offers an alternate take on many of the issues facing our society, including the credibility of media sources, the shifting of cannabis laws and the rise of crypto currency.
Esoteric Hollywood with Jay Dyer
It is becoming more apparent that movies have become vehicles of propaganda and predictive programming. Jay Dyer reveals the interplay of geopolitics and psychological warfare in Hollywood blockbusters.
Creating a New Life in an Alternate Reality with Bruce Goldberg
Dr. Bruce Goldberg explains how we can explore the realms beyond time, though the 5th dimension, and discover different outcomes for the turbulent lives we lead.
Ancient Grimoires and Political Influence with Peter Levenda
The political powers which have long ruled over our planet’s populations have received guidance through contact with beings beyond our sense of reality. Ancient grimoires contain the mystical technology used to make contact with these beings.
Dispelling Wetiko: Transcending Collective Fear with Paul Levy
Life is but a dream…in which we can awaken. This premise is suggested by Paul Levy who explains that the reality we experience is merely a collective projection which we believe to be separate and external. Lurking within the shadows of this world is a psycho-spiritual illness called the Wetiko.
The Forbidden Fruit of Psychedelics with Dennis McKenna
There may be a forbidden fruit which can reliably induce a mystical experience – psychedelic substances taken in spiritual settings. While this is not the answer for everyone seeking a connection with the divine, it has become a profound path for others.
Caesar’s Messiah with Joseph Atwill
Joseph Atwill has uncovered evidence which suggests that the ancient Roman government spun the greatest story ever told so that Titus Flavius would be heralded as the returning messiah and the right of divine rule could begin.
Of all of the mysteries surrounding the Masonic orders, perhaps the most perplexing is their mysterious symbols. Now Michael Schiavello has come forward to reveal the secrets of Masonic symbols. But what if the biggest secret is that there are really no secrets?
Shakespeare’s Secret Messiah: The Dark Lady with Joseph Atwill
Though he is lauded as England’s greatest writer, the legacy of William Shakespeare may have been a sham from the beginning. Joseph Atwill’s research may have uncovered a bevy of ghost writers; primary among them is a woman named Emilia Bassano.