Season 8 . 12 Episodes TV-PG

Join host Lisa Garr for fascinating interviews featuring leading-edge visionaries, spiritual teachers and inspiring innovators in personal development and mind-body wellness.

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Inspirations (Preview)

Join host Lisa Garr for fascinating interviews featuring leading-edge visionaries, spiritual teachers and inspiring innovators in personal development and mind-body wellness. You’ll explore spirituality, gain personal insights and learn the tools to help make real-life changes.


Host: Lisa Garr
Featuring: Marianne Williamson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Sue Morter, Dr Joe Dispenza, Joan Borysenko, Denise Linn, Chris Grosso, Colette Baron-Reid, don Miguel Ruiz, Sr., Arielle Ford, Gregg Braden
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
41 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson explores the meaning of “I am.” She contrasts the pressures of society, which lead us away from our true nature, with our connection with spirit, where we find our actual self.
33 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Barbara Marx Hubbard
For Barbara Marx Hubbard, the meaning of “I am” comes from the source of creation, and it is an impulse that for billions of years has been creating quarks, electron, protons, animals, and now humans.
35 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Jean Houston
For Jean Houston, “I Am” is the ultimate Western mantra – a core memory that is both sound and purpose. Even as we are in the universe, the universe is in us.
41 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Sue Morter
Sue Morter practices bioenergetic medicine, which redirects the flow of high-frequency energy patterns in the body to activate our full human potential. When we connect with this energy, she says, “I am who I am regardless of what’s happening in this external environment.”
37 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Dr Joe Dispenza
The functions of our brain and body chemistry can work to our benefit or detriment, depending on where we place our attention. If we rest our attention in our heart – biologically, the center of oneness – and cultivate an elevated emotion, we can expand our energy field.
38 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Joan Borysenko
Taking her expertise in the mind/body connection several steps further, Joan Borysenko explains the new research in interpersonal neurobiology, where, for example, our minds also affect those around us, and in epigenetics, where events in our lives – and even in our ancestor’s lives – can cause changes in our genetic make-up.
35 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Denise Linn
When it comes to healing, Denise Linn often looks to the past. From ancient traditions around the world she looks to acquire and perpetuate the valuable knowledge that must be passed down before it is lost. At the same time, there are ancestral patterns that hold us back and need to be released.
27 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Chris Grosso
Every time Chris Grosso believed he had fallen about as far as he could fall, the bottom dropped out from under him and his life crashed lower. Then he connected with spirituality and found an inner serenity that allowed him to find a path away from substance abuse. Now, he helps others.
38 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Colette Baron-Reid
Fear and stress contract the mind and do not allow the “I Am” to be operating in your favor. That's when you would go to the oracle, because the oracle can reflect to you what you cannot see when your contracted state prevents you from accessing your intuition.
31 mins TV-PG
Featuring: don Miguel Ruiz, Sr.
We are each of us artists creating our own story with our life, according to don Miguel Ruiz. He adds that our story does not die when our body dies; rather, our story is immortal.
31 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Arielle Ford
Arielle Ford, a student of love, discusses the art of finding perfect love in imperfect relationships. In this insightful interview, Arielle and Lisa explore the nature of a soulmate and look at some of the myths surrounding that concept.
38 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Gregg Braden
You can tune your heart to work together in harmony with your brain. When you do, some 1,400 biochemical reactions occur, providing a great many benefits.