Dayna Seraye

Dayna Seraye

Dayna’s teachings weave diverse techniques that support your wholeness, radiance and well being. She loves to infuse asana practices with pranayama, kriya (energy practices), mudra and organic movement to create well-rounded and inspiring experiences for her students. In Dayna’s classes expect safe invitations to find your tender edge where healing and evolution happen. While Dayna has been sharing the wisdom of vinyasa, hatha, kundalini, and meditation teachings to her students since 2011, her teaching foundation is rooted in her long term dedicated personal practice and study. She enjoys weaving themes that have inspired her journey into her teachings, including emotional healing, shadow work, self-love and clearing limitations. When off the mat, find Dayna soaking up nature with her family, leading authentic relating trainings and dancing through this wild ride of life. Learn more at

122 classes found

Dayna Seraye
Let your creativity out to play in this practice designed to explore circulation and freedom of movement in all parts of your body. Begin seated with fluid movements in familiar shapes, move to standing for powerful and playful poses, then close with savasana.
Dayna Seraye
A gentle yet invigorating heart opening sequence to bring spaciousness to the physical and energetic heart. Flow through cow/cat, plank variations, sphinx, and locust variations.
Dayna Seraye
Gently explore the different directions of movement of the hip joint through down dog variations, lunges, and baddha konasana (cobbler's pose).
Dayna Seraye
Get in touch with the power of your feminine embodiment in the dance of strength and softness. In this mini practice, flow through twists, folds, squats, and lunges to connect your innate shaki energy within.
Yoga Every Day
Consciously choose fullness as we explore our balance in standing poses such as tree pose and birds of paradise.
Yoga Every Day
When we expand into the fullness of our hearts, life flows with grace and ease. Explore grounded backbends sourced from the very center of our being, allowing our hearts to naturally flower open.
Yoga Every Day
Warrior poses teach us how to access the power within. Invite these poses to fuel an embodied sense of power-FULLness and orient towards your natural state of wholeness.
Yoga Every Day
Explore deep hip-openers while integrating purna, a Sanskrit word that means wholeness and refers to the perfection of things just as they are. Feel your hips and hamstrings release with accepting awareness.
Yoga Every Day
Explore a series of standing poses that will support you in moving through any resistance you have in embracing ananda, the bliss that is your essential nature.
Yoga Every Day
The open heart is a powerful pathway into remembering our essential nature of joy and bliss and offering love is a direct route to experiencing more joy in our own lives. Practice creative heart-opening poses culminating in wild thing to deepen the experience of ananda (bliss).
Yoga Every Day
Deepen the exploration of ananda (bliss) with an emphasis on balance. Explore a well-rounded flow of pranayama (breathwork), kriya (action), and asana (physical movement) including balancing poses to invite a state of peace and joy.
Yoga Every Day
Yoga philosophy teaches us that bliss is our essential state of being. Explore ananda, the Sanskrit word that translates to bliss or expansive joy, and journey into the bliss of deep, gentle hip openers.
Yoga Every Day
Stretch your awareness into parts of your body that you may not often pay attention to: side bodies. Explore nourishing side stretches in a variety of seated and standing asanas.
Yoga Every Day
Explore the notion of tantra using our hamstrings as vehicles to expand our consciousness.
Yoga Every Day
The breath can transport you to a place of expanded consciousness. Explore mulitple pranayama (breath work) techniques, dynamic kriyas (actions), and asana (movement) to quickly reorient your perspective toward recognizing the peace abundant in the world.
Yoga Every Day
Enjoy a fluid practice that will open your chest and upper back, while expanding the energy of your heart.
Yoga Every Day
Commit to giving rather than taking from any experience. Explore some exhilarating breath work and warrior poses that support us to stand strong in our integrity.
Yoga Every Day
Start with a breath practice followed by simple yet intense movements that build a connection to the muscles, energy, and intelligence of the core.