Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

500 videos found

Spiritual Approach to Science with Rupert Sheldrake
Open Minds
We follow along with Rupert Sheldrake as he shares his life’s journey which to led to the discovery of the morphic resonance theory. What we find is that science and spiritual practices do not need to be two separate views of our world.
Breaking Free from Empire with Neil Kramer
Open Minds
In a world awash with media, the value of the individual is diminished in favor of a hive-mentality. Neil Kramer explains how you can begin living as a sovereign human being by deliberately creating and refining the self and awakening the Will within.
Encounters With Norse Land Spirits
Open Minds
Is it possible that we have access to Will, known as “Orlog,” awaiting our inquiry?
The Astrology of Close Encounters with Heather Arielle
Open Minds
Contact with extraterrestrial intelligence may not really be as random as it seems. Astrologer Heather Arielle examines the charts of her clients who have had extraterrestrial experiences and highlights what they have in common.
John Dee: Renaissance Alchemist with Jason Louv
Open Minds
John Dee, advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, who dubbed him, “007,” lived in a time when magic and science were one, became a controversial occult figure. Jason Louv discusses the life of this renaissance alchemist who influenced many prominent scientists.
Pleiadians, Frequency Wars & Earth Ascension
Open Minds
Does humanity’s unique access to compassion have a healing ripple effect?
Secrets of the Cosmos
Open Minds
Paul Von Ward believes a cosmology as a single discipline omits areas of universe.
Soul Contracts & Quantum Medicine
Open Minds
Is it possible that a doctor’s treatment can be enhanced by their quantum knowledge?
Laura Alden Kamm on the Shift in Modern Medicine
Hear how Applied Energy Medicine is changing the way we treat disease.
A Simple Method for Profound Healing with Bill McKenna
Open Minds
Bill McKenna shares an easy way for us to tap into higher levels of consciousness and bring healing to anyone, anywhere. Achieving these results may sound daunting, but the method is simple; easy to learn and easy to teach.
A Vatican Exile on Reincarnation & Cosmology
Open Minds
How can a priest barred from the Vatican help us explore reincarnation? Licensed clinical psychologist, theologian, and priest Sean O'Laoire joins Open Minds to share his studies into the divine nature of the universe.
Healing in the Quantum Field of Potentials with Joe Dispenza
Open Minds
There is a mounting body of evidence indicating that our beliefs and expectations directly affect the conditions of our lives. Dr Joe Dispenza explains how you can open the door to your subconscious mind and begin creating a new healthy and functional template for your life.
Communicating with Water
Open Minds
Does human saliva hold an imprint of the frequency of the words we use?
Open Minds
Is it true that our DNA is being reactivated by codes held by places and artifacts?
Achieving Golden Consciousness with Lee Harris
Open Minds
Multiple sources tell us that a higher frequency of energy has come to our planet which is actively accelerating conscious evolution. Lee Harris returns once again to channel the Zs who discuss the implications of the arrival of this new energy upon our planet.
Nation of the Goddess with Alan Butler
Open Minds
Was America secretly founded by a group of powerful individuals, who worshiped a goddess, with the best intentions for humanity? This is the discovery Alan Butler made as he studied the ancient spiritual traditions of the British Isles.
Open Minds
The metabolic approach to cancer is creating new paradigms of cancer therapies. Dr. Donese Worden discusses these discoveries which seek to understand the causes and effects of cancer, at the metabolic level.
Frequencies of Healing with Gail Lynn
Open Minds
The more we come to understand that we are beings of energy, the more important it becomes that we explore the healing potential of frequencies. Gail Lynn discusses how she uses sound and light waves to help her clients heal.