Linda Moulton Howe

Linda Moulton Howe

After graduating from Stanford University with a Master’s Degree in Communication, Linda Moulton Howe devoted her documentary film, television, radio, writing and reporting career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. In addition to her television productions, Linda produces, reports and edits the award-winning science, environment and earth mysteries news website, Linda's award-winning documentaries have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison, Fire In The Water, A Radioactive Water, A Prairie Dawn, and A Strange Harvest. Linda has written four books: An Alien Harvest, Glimpses of Other Realities Volumes I and II, and Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles.

22 videos found

Intergalactic Travel & Consciousness Technologies
Truth Hunter
What are the connections between warp drives, portals, and psychic phenomena allowing beings to travel across vast distances of space? Linda Moulton Howe interviews Tim, Tactical Advisor from Germany, about levels of consciousness and light-speed travel.
Contacting Being 6
Truth Hunter
How can we understand higher levels of non-human consciousness in the universe? Tim Tactical Advisor describes his experiences with Being 6, a collective of souls operating in harmony at a higher frequency.
Geometry of the Soul
Truth Hunter
Is our universe an experiment in levels of consciousness? Linda Moulton Howe and Tim Tactical Advisor delve into the deeper truths of our reality, citing Tim’s direct face-to-face experiences with extraterrestrials.
The Self-Correcting Universe
Truth Hunter
Will we ever know the cosmic lineage of humanity’s origins on Earth? In this final episode, Tim and Linda Moulton Howe analyze the extraterrestrial species and competing influences that shaped Earth’s history.
Removing the Reptilian Installation
Truth Hunter
Could depression be a side effect of an ancient ET installation put in place to slow the evolution of humanity? Tim continues his interview with Linda Moulton Howe to discuss the motivations of a Reptilians installation limiting humanity’s potential.
Truth Hunter
What evidence do we have of extraterrestrials manipulating human DNA? Journalist Linda Moulton Howe returns for a special season of Truth Hunter with Tim, Tactical Advisor from Germany, to find to the truth behind ET interactions with humans over time.
Multidimensional Pathways of the Soul
Truth Hunter
What is a consciousness unit and the pathway of the soul? Linda Moulton Howe and Tim discuss what we can learn from these concepts.
Holoforms, Psionics & ET Manipulation
Truth Hunter
Are humans unknowingly interacting with ETs on Earth? From psionics to holoforms, Tim explains how non-terrestrials can cloak themselves using acoustic frequencies to manipulate the perceptions of both humans and ETs.
George Noory Forum: Cosmic Questions
Conscious Life Expo Panels 2019
Join host George Noory and celebrated panelists as they stand at the podium of truth, asked provocative questions, and give us their best, unscripted answers.
Truth Hunter
Truth Hunter launches with Linda Moulton Howe exploring revelations forthcoming from profound alien encounters.
Insiders Reveal the Alien Struggle for Humanity’s Future
Truth Hunter
Linda Moulton Howe has analyzed the continuing binary communications transmitted through Staff Sergeant C.J. and information obtained through remote viewers like Lyn Buchanan. She reports on the four classifications of extraterrestrial beings and their particular motivations throughout this ongoing secret war.
Whistleblowers Expose the Alien Agenda for Earth
Truth Hunter
Whistleblowers from the military and government explain that Earth is caught in the middle of a battle to retain ownership of our planet, and we are simply pawns in a galactic chess game. Linda Moulton Howe conveys information she has collected from several insiders who have come forward to reveal what they know about the alien presence on Earth.
Rendlesham Forest: Three Strange Nights
Truth Hunter
Linda Moulton Howe begins an extensive exposé concerning the strange events of RAF Bentwaters/ Woodbridge which includes her personal interviews with eyewitnesses, a hypnosis session with contactee John Burrows, and an examination of official reports from those who were there.
Introduction to an Alien Taxonomy
Truth Hunter
Linda Moulton Howe has a compiled a taxonomy of the many types of non-human entities which have visited our planet. Some are new to the planet, while others have interacted with humanity for over 70,000 years
U.K. Cover-Ups: From UFOs to UAPs
Truth Hunter
Organizations within the U.S. government are not the only ones implicated in a vast conspiracy to conceal the alien presence on Earth. Linda Moulton Howe explains that branches of the British government actively worked to conceal proof of alien activity.
UFO Panel: Extraterrestrial Influences in Human Evolution
Conscious Life Expo Panels 2019
A panel discussion of the foremost researchers in the fields of cutting-edge science, the power of consciousness, UFO investigation, back-engineering and suppressed technologies.
Rendlesham Forest: Contact Is Made
Truth Hunter
Linda Moulton Howe continues her examination into the strange events of Rendlesham Forest in December of 1980.
Proof of Presidential Briefings on the Alien Presence
Truth Hunter
In 1983, an anonymous source contacted Linda Moulton Howe to disclose what military intelligence organizations knew about the alien presence on Earth. We see documents which informed Reagan of five types of alien beings, their intentions for our people and an overview of their technological capabilities.