Lisa Garr

Lisa Garr

Dedicating her life to the awareness of herself and her surroundings, Lisa Garr is the host of Gaiam Inspirations as well as The Aware Show; a talk radio program focused on self-development for healing and achievement.

Considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational programming, Garr has interviewed over 1,500 bestselling authors and experts in the fields of health, healing, personal growth, and spirituality since 1999. Her commitment to providing messages that inspire positive growth and change is unyielding and inspired by her own need for balance.

According to Garr, "I am learning, just like many listeners, and I make it a point to have guests give examples of how to apply their philosophies to everyday living. I bring into my conversations real-life situations, even aspects of my own life that will help clarify concepts. And with so many different angles presented by the different guests, I invite the listeners to hear what philosophies resonate with them and become empowered by making conscious choices."

200 videos found

Sound Healing for Health and Happiness with Jonathan Goldman
Increase oxygen and nitric oxide, decrease cortisol, and enhance the production of melatonin and endorphins when humming and using the healing frequencies of sound. Researcher Jonathan Goldman explains how. .
Gregg Braden on Deep Truths Revealed
In this in-depth and important conversation, Lisa Garr talks with Gregg Braden about the crises facing humankind today, the outmoded thinking that is preventing us from dealing with these crises, and the heart-based solutions that can show us the way forward.
Doreen Virtue on Connecting with Angels
Explore the subject of guides and guardian angels with Doreen Virtue, a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm and is one of the foremost authorities in this area.
Intuitive Healing with Inna Segal
Science has shown that 90% of illnesses are stress related. A major source of that stress comes from our minds and the negative thoughts that wreak havoc on our bodies. Energetic healer Inna Segal reveals how to clear those negative thoughts and emotions in order to claim responsibility for our own well-being.
The Inside Scoop on Healing with Dr. Hyla Cass
Looking for guidance on combining the best of mainstream and natural medicine? Dr. Hyla Cass, acclaimed integrative medicine expert, shares the tools you need to take charge of your health.
The Money Miracle with Dain Heer
Is your money situation everything you want it to be? Discover how you can change your limitations around receiving money and open yourself to true and lasting financial success.
Raymond Moody on Near-Death Stories of Hope and Healing
Is there life after death? Yes, says Raymond Moody, M.D., psychiatrist and world-renowned researcher whose seminal work, Life After Life, completely changed the way we view death and dying.
Eric Pearl on Miracle Healings
Hear how hands-on healing is possible with healer Eric Pearl.
David Wolfe on Superfood Secrets to Optimal Health
With a life-long passion for inspiring people to “Have the Best Day Ever,” David Wolfe has touched the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people across the world. David joins Lisa Garr for in-depth discussions and demonstrations of the superfoods that will put you on the road to higher and higher levels of natural beauty, vibrant health, and peak performance.
Bruce H. Lipton on the Biology of Belief
“We are facing imminent extinction.” So says cellular biologist Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., at the beginning of this astonishingly important conversation. The next 90 minutes are spent discussing why he thinks this is true and what humans must do if we wish to avoid this fate.
The Five Levels of Attachment with don Miguel Ruiz, Sr., and don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.
Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., author of The Five Levels of Attachment, carries on the work of his father, don Miguel Ruiz, Sr., explaining how we attach ourselves inappropriately to beliefs that cause suffering. Don't miss this rare interview with father and son.
The functions of our brain and body chemistry can work to our benefit or detriment, depending on where we place our attention. If we rest our attention in our heart – biologically, the center of oneness – and cultivate an elevated emotion, we can expand our energy field.
The Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter
Clear stagnant energy to allow the flow of vitality, health, strength, and manifestation.
Soul Coaching with Denise Linn
Can spiritual teachings from indigenous cultures show us how to be true to ourselves? Denise Linn, founder of International Institute of Soul Coaching, shares her thoughts.
Inspired Filmmaking with Mikki Willis
Can viral videos transform how people treat each other? Absolutely, says filmmaker Mikki Willis.
Change Your Story, Change Your Life with Barnet Bain
We all have our own story – but what happens when we decide to change it? Success consultant Barnet Bain reveals the power behind changing our "story," and the freedom associated with letting go of our personal limitations.
Raymond Moody in Pursuit of the Afterlife
Dr. Raymond Moody, psychiatrist, researcher and bestselling author, has interviewed more than a thousand survivors of near-death experiences. Watch this fascinating conversation between Dr. Moody and Lisa Garr to find out why, as a result of all of his research, Dr. Moody says, “Love is the most important thing.”
You Are the Placebo with Dr Joe Dispenza
Can people overcome habits, illness and disease through the power of thought? Maybe so, says Dr Joe Dispenza, D.C.