Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers about UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. There is no aspect of the phenomenon Richard won’t study. He continues to look forward to exploring this topic in all its depth, a topic he believes opens our doors of perception, challenging us to see the world differently and more clearly.

40 videos found

Propaganda Machine Leading Up to WWII
False Flags
Richard Dolan explains how authoritarian governments use mass media propaganda to raise public support for military actions by examining false flag operations enacted by Japan and the Soviet Union, which led up to WWII.
Extraordinary Encounters with Extraterrestrial Entities
Open Minds
As a historian that specializes in extraterrestrial contact, Richard Dolan has studied the gamut of UFO history from science and military to personal accounts. Now, he shares a few of these strange stories which may have a lasting and profound effect upon our civilization.
False Flags of the Cold War
False Flags
With the end of WWII the US and Soviet Union began a cold war for global control. Both sides engaged in tactics to convince the people that they needed to submit to ever increasing levels of authority, for their own protection.
False Flags and Regime Change
False Flags
Richard Dolan outlines the steps used to enact revolution in foreign countries and install a government friendly to domestic interests. This becomes apparent as he details events in a post-WWII world where the United States perfected sophisticated False Flag tactics to bring about regime changes on an international scale.