Lisa Garr

Lisa Garr

Dedicating her life to the awareness of herself and her surroundings, Lisa Garr is the host of Gaiam Inspirations as well as The Aware Show; a talk radio program focused on self-development for healing and achievement.

Considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational programming, Garr has interviewed over 1,500 bestselling authors and experts in the fields of health, healing, personal growth, and spirituality since 1999. Her commitment to providing messages that inspire positive growth and change is unyielding and inspired by her own need for balance.

According to Garr, "I am learning, just like many listeners, and I make it a point to have guests give examples of how to apply their philosophies to everyday living. I bring into my conversations real-life situations, even aspects of my own life that will help clarify concepts. And with so many different angles presented by the different guests, I invite the listeners to hear what philosophies resonate with them and become empowered by making conscious choices."

200 videos found

The Four Agreements with don Miguel Ruiz, Sr.
It's been more than 15 years since don Miguel Ruiz, Sr., published the best-selling The Four Agreements. Hear how his guide to spiritual awareness has changed thousands of lives.
You Can't Google Wisdom with Anita Sanchez
Anita Sanchez introduces Four Elements and Four Gifts, all with simple, practical exercises to help you connect with the oneness of everything.
You Are the Placebo with Dr Joe Dispenza
Can people overcome habits, illness and disease through the power of thought? Maybe so, says Dr Joe Dispenza, D.C.
Doreen Virtue on Connecting with Angels
Explore the subject of guides and guardian angels with Doreen Virtue, a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm and is one of the foremost authorities in this area.
Sound Healing for Health and Happiness with Jonathan Goldman
Increase oxygen and nitric oxide, decrease cortisol, and enhance the production of melatonin and endorphins when humming and using the healing frequencies of sound. Researcher Jonathan Goldman explains how. .
Howard Martin on the HeartMath Solution for Stress
In an in-depth, wide-ranging interview, Lisa Garr talks with Howard Martin about stress and how to reduce it by understanding the scientific connection between heart and brain, and also why creating global coherence is so important at this time in history.
Grief Relief with Aurora Winter
Loss is a part of life, but you can dramatically shorten the time you spend grieving. Learn how from Aurora Winter, founder of the Grief Coach Academy.
The Money Miracle with Dain Heer
Is your money situation everything you want it to be? Discover how you can change your limitations around receiving money and open yourself to true and lasting financial success.
Awaken Your Healing Energy with Deborah King
Do you have a gift of healing? Would you like to learn how to activate that gift inside yourself?
Bruce H. Lipton on the Biology of Belief
“We are facing imminent extinction.” So says cellular biologist Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., at the beginning of this astonishingly important conversation. The next 90 minutes are spent discussing why he thinks this is true and what humans must do if we wish to avoid this fate.
The Cowboy Nutritionist with Don Tolman
Are whole foods the secret to optimal health? Yes, says nutritionist Don Tolman.
Dream University with Marcia Wieder
Do what you love and the money will follow. Marcia Wieder, who coaches Jack Canfield, shares practical tips and resources for achieving your personal and professional dreams.
Soul Coaching with Denise Linn
Can spiritual teachings from indigenous cultures show us how to be true to ourselves? Denise Linn, founder of International Institute of Soul Coaching, shares her thoughts.
Eric Pearl on Miracle Healings
Hear how hands-on healing is possible with healer Eric Pearl.
Intuitive Healing with Inna Segal
Science has shown that 90% of illnesses are stress related. A major source of that stress comes from our minds and the negative thoughts that wreak havoc on our bodies. Energetic healer Inna Segal reveals how to clear those negative thoughts and emotions in order to claim responsibility for our own well-being.
Gregg Braden on the Crises of Our Times
We are facing the greatest number and the greatest magnitude of crises ever to face a single generation. Can we choose our future? Can we even plan it?
The Inside Scoop on Healing with Dr. Hyla Cass
Looking for guidance on combining the best of mainstream and natural medicine? Dr. Hyla Cass, acclaimed integrative medicine expert, shares the tools you need to take charge of your health.
Stay Inspired: Harmonizing Your Heart and Brain with Gregg Braden
You can tune your heart to work together in harmony with your brain. When you do, some 1,400 biochemical reactions occur, providing a great many benefits.