Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton is a powerful teacher of applied spiritual wisdom, known for her capacity to kindle meditative states in others, and to help students work with meditative experience as a framework for practical life-change. She teaches teleclasses, retreats, and workshops, appearing at conference centers such as Esalen and Kripalu. Sally is the author of ‘Meditation for the Love of It’, which Spirituality and Health magazine called ‘the meditation book your heart wants you to read.’ She writes a regular column, ‘Wisdom’ for Yoga Journal, as well as a column called ‘Meditation for Life’ on the Internet religious site

A former swami in a Vedic tradition, Sally’s teachings combine deep knowledge of the texts of yoga and tantra with practical wisdom from contemporary psychology and integral thought.

Sally’s latest book, Awakening Shakti, gives you access to powerful tools for tuning in to the transformative power of the sacred feminine.

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200 classes found

Nichole Golden
This invigorating practice focuses on turning on the legs and getting blood flow to the lower half of the body.
Tiffany Bush
Get back to your practice - yoga is always here, no matter how long you’ve been away. Move through commonly seen yoga poses, along with playful variations, for a well-rounded practice.
Tiffany Bush
Start your day with powerful intention, inviting space, and slow fluid movement. Play with strong standing poses, challenging transitions, and lots of opportunities to manifest your day.
Nico Luce
The shoulder girdle is a complex body part composed of 4 joints that allow the arms plenty of mobility in every direction. This practice strengthens and stabilizes the shoulders through repetitive movements and precise holds. Add this to your routine to keep your shoulders happy in yoga for many years!
Steph Schwartz
Bring balance to your lower body by focusing on activating and stabilizing through your glutes. Work methodically as you strengthen your hamstrings, glutes, and core. Prepare for wheel pose, followed by ample time to unwind and release all of your hard work.
Nichole Golden
Release built-up post-baby stress with this gentle practice to help calm your nervous system. Start slow and low to the ground, then explore fluid breath-to-movement poses. Close with restorative shapes and the mantra meditation, "I am at peace."
Lauren Lewis
Build heat and internal discretion with this challenging practice dedicated to the yogic concept of tapas. Build strength and play with balancing poses to explore walking the line of discomfort. Close with a sweet savasana and seated meditation to feel the tapas move inward with mental fortitude.
Bonnie Pierce
One of the greatest acts of kindness you can give to yourself is the gift of strength. This core strengthening flow has just the right amount of spice to ignite your personal power and just the right amount of sweetness to show up in kindness within and around you.
Bonnie Pierce
Breathe a sweet sigh of relief in this short hip opening practice. Focus on fundamental postures that bring space and ease into the hips, while then warming the body through flow with breath.
Tiffany Bush
Get on your mat first thing in the morning to warm up your joints. Lubricate your neck, spine, hips, and shoulders to set the stage for a happy body.
Dayna Seraye
A detoxifying practice to rinse out your physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Practice cleansing breathwork, kriya, deep twists, and invigorating standing poses.
Taylor Harkness
A fun, powerful practice for those who don’t need much warm up to kick it into high gear. Dive right into standing poses, options for arm balances, strong shapes, and plenty of time to explore within your practice. Close with a moment of relaxation and rest.
Nichole Golden
Explore the many benefits of turning your body upside-down with accessible inversions. Cultivate new perspectives with balancing breath work, strong and stretchy poses, and handstand play using the wall.
Lauren Lewis
Honor your boundaries with yourself and others through a continuous-movement practice. Slice through what no longer serves you while focusing on drawing into your centerline, core, and balance.
Nichole Golden
Release accumulated social stress with a soothing flow of grounding postures, breathwork, and forward folds to decompress your nervous system. Transition from over-stimulated to soothed with this helpful practice.
Tiffany Bush
Begin your day with a well-rounded and challenging morning practice. Start with alternate nostril breathing (nadi shodhana), then move into flowing poses, balancing shapes, and core strengthening movements. Build energy (and a bit of sweat) to get ready for the day, then find a moment of rest to integrate it all.
Nico Luce
Release your quads with slow and sometimes intense poses. Stretch the hip flexors, find deep knee flexion, and relax the muscles on the front of the thigh.
Colleen Saidman Yee
Unplug in this relaxing practice that acts as a yawn for the body. Explore a variety of seated twists and forward folds to calm down the nervous system and mind.