Countdown To Event
Countdown To Event

January 28-29, 2023


The Science of Resilience: How to Thrive in a World of Chaos

With Gregg Braden & Bruce Lipton


Two of the world’s top experts on the bridge between science and spirituality come to the GaiaSphere event center to share groundbreaking discoveries and specific, concrete tools you can begin using right away to create positive change in your life. Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton are both highly sought-after keynote speakers who bring complex concepts to life with charismatic, down-to-earth styles. Get your ticket now because seats for this transformative event with this extraordinary duo will go quickly!


What You’ll Be Learning

Awakening The Power Of Adaptive Resilience With Gregg Braden

The science is clear: abrupt change in our lives creates a kind of stress that weakens our immune system, accelerates the aging process, strains our personal relationships, and catapults our survival instincts into high gear. Our ability to resolve this kind of stress and thrive in the new reality that we are awakening into is directly linked to the level of resilience in our lives. And this is the good news because we already have everything we need to create our own resilience!

Awakening The Power Of Adaptive Resilience highlights an enhanced form of resilience that gives us the power to think and live in a way that prepares us to meet life’s unexpected twists and turns, leading to greater healing, wiser choices, and deeper trust in our intuition. This workshop can help you recognize the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual “batteries” that get you through even the toughest days. You’ll also discover five easy-to-learn steps that can help you grow, strengthen, and maintain your natural reservoir of resilient strength.

Topics addressed include:

  • Discovery of adaptive resilience vs traditional resilience — what it means for you, your family, and your community
  • Natural cycles that are in a rare convergence, triggering the need for greater resilience in your life
  • Simple, non-meditative, yet highlyeffective techniques to give your body daily relief from the deluge of stressful information
  • Experiencing core principles, real-life examples, and proven techniques to create adaptive resilience in your life
  • What’s causing the extremes in your world and your life
  • What you can expect in the coming weeks and months
  • 5 foundational principles of adaptive resilience and what it means for your biology, thoughts, emotions, mental capacity, and spirituality

The Biology of Resilience With Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

Crisis ignites evolution! If today’s headlines make you wonder about the fate of our planet, here is some news that may surprise you from an evolutionary standpoint: we are exactly where we need to be. The world’s chaos is a natural step in an unfolding process rather than the tragic end to a broken planet. We are on the threshold of a major evolutionary event emerging right before our eyes. 

Cell biologist and bestselling author Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., presents new science to help navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history, taking you on a fast-paced journey from the microcosm of the cell to the macrocosm of the mind in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Bruce’s dynamic multimedia presentation focuses on manifesting 3 common traits of resiliency: acceptance of reality, a sense of purpose, and flexible thinking. Tap into your source of self-empowerment to thrive through planetary chaos and learn how your consciousness controls your biology to evolve from passive victim to resilient co-creator of the planet’s higher evolutionary destiny.

About the Sessions

Session 1 | Traditional vs. Adaptive Resilience with Gregg Braden (FREE)

Resilience Begins in the Heart: Traditional vs. Adaptive Resilience 

New discoveries reveal how the heart prepares our body for the emotional, psychological and spiritual input to charge our batteries of resilience. In this module you will discover the resilience curve and the science that builds the foundation for your resilience practice; how your heart regulates your levels of sustained resilience; the nonverbal language that you use to communicate the instructions of resilience to your heart, and the steps of the simple techniques that your body will immediately respond to as you elevate your levels of personal resilience, and the resilience curve, in your life.

Session 2 | The Physics of Resilience with Bruce Lipton

The Physics of Resilience – Entropy, Interference, and Noble Gas

Entropy is simply a measure of disorder and affects all aspects of our daily lives. The second law of thermodynamics: entropy always increases over time. Over time, disorder increases as energy disperses, and systems dissolve into randomness and chaos.  Negentropy is reverse entropy, it is expressed when something becomes more order over time. The degree of order, organization, and adaptiveness in a system (e.g., cell, human, planet, and solar system) is defined as negentropy. An example of negentropy is when liquid water forms into ice.

The Universe is immaterial, everything is made of energy. Energy waves interact, they become entangled. Two extremes of entanglement are when two waves in harmony interact (constructive interference), they will express more power than either wave has alone. When two energy waves out of phase entangle, they cancel each other resulting in no power (destructive interference).  The discussion will include how we can become resilient by employing constructive interference to empower what we desire and engaging destructive interference patterns to neutralize negative resistance.

Session 3 | The Biological Imperative with Bruce Lipton

The Biology of Resilience, Part 1: The Biological Imperative

Biological Imperatives represent the needs of living organisms that are required to perpetuate their existence, to survive. This drive is fundamental in manifesting resilience. The imperative applies to the needs supporting an individual’s survival, controlling among many other functions and behaviors: heart rate, respiration, our need for water food, and other behaviors sustaining life. In the presence of threats. a structure within the brain, the amygdala, coordinates a an imperative-derived protection response. The biological imperative is present within all organisms, from primitive bacteria to humans. It also represents the organismal drive to reproduce, maintaining the survival of the species.

Why are we here that Nature wants to preserve our survival? As Native Americans offer, “We are gardeners here to tend the Garden.” A Garden represents a community of species living in harmony. Humans have upended the Garden’s harmony to the extent we have precipitated the planet’s 6th Mass extinction, with civilization facing an irreversible collapse in the next couple of decades (NASA science). The ensuing chaos will precipitate a test revealing an individual’s resiliency. The discussion will include information on the importance of distinguishing happiness (serotonin) from pleasure (dopamine), with insights on the nature of acquiring resilience while maintaining a life of love and happiness.

Session 4 | How Do You Cope? with Gregg Braden

A Very Personal Question: How Do You Cope?

When the coping strategies we develop early in life are successful, we commonly continue them into adulthood, even when they no longer work for us. It is these once-successful strategies that can sabotage our relationships, success, and dreams by creating precisely the opposite results of what we hope to achieve. In this module, you will identify the seven signs of unhealthy coping strategies, how they may appear in your life today, and the eight proven techniques to supercharge your personal resilience template.

Session 5 | Q & A with Gregg Braden & Bruce Lipton  

Session 6 | What’s the Meaning of Your Life? with Gregg Braden

A Second Personal Question: What’s the Meaning of Your Life?

Society teaches us to view our lives as the random events that become the story of our loves, losses, successes, failures, joys, disappointments, jobs, careers, and family dynamics. Is it possible that a hidden thread weaves its way throughout the fabric of our experiences—a thread that we can identify and use as the gateway to deeper levels of meaning in our lives? In this module, you’ll discover your life as more than a series of random relationships and events. Using your resilience template, you’ll discover how to apply your discovery in the strategy to achieve your highest levels of personal resilience.

Session 7 | Adaptation and Evolution with Bruce Lipton

The Biology of Resilience, Part 2: Adaptation and Evolution 

Biology has enveloped this planet with life, even in environments as extreme as oceanic thermal vents with temperatures near the boiling point, or 1,000 feet below the surface of a frozen glacier. To survive the demands of the environment, organisms engage mechanisms to acquire resilience in order to thrive in any environment. The presentation will reveal the personally empowering insights of Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, author of the first scientific paper on evolution 50 years before Darwin, insights that can enhance our life on Earth. Lamarck’s theory emphasized that there is a complementary interaction with organisms and their environments that leads to the expression of resilience-inducing genes. The discussion presents the current science of Epigenetics, the mechanism that supports Lamarck’s theory while revealing the process that manifests resilience.

Session 8 | Psychology & Spirituality of Resilience with Bruce Lipton

The Psychology and Spirituality of Resilience – The Two Minds -Programming – Our Spirituality

Resilience is expressed in terms of Vitality, the state of being strong and active in powering the continuance of life; it is present in all living organisms. The mind is the conductor that orchestrates the organs and functions of the body in shaping survival-related behavior and genetic activity. The mind is not a single entity, it has two major subdivisions, the Conscious Mind versus the Subconscious Mind. Conscious is creative while Subconscious is the source of habits. These centers cooperate in manifesting resilience or opening us to vulnerabilities. This presentation will show that the programming of these minds, especially before age 7, shapes the character of our lives and determines our resilience and our vulnerabilities.

The discussion will also focus on Telomeres, extensions of the DNA’s double helices that determine aging, disease, and depression. The lifestyle factors that control the activity of this enzyme, which extends the telomeres and controls aging and health, will be defined.

Session 9 | Beyond Goals, Dreams, and Wishes with Gregg Braden

The Science of Hope Theory: Beyond Goals, Dreams, and Wishes 

When we hear the inspiring stories of people who have triumphed over adversity or survived unthinkable loss, the first question we ask is “How did they do it?” The answer to this question is the key to this module—the emerging science of Hope Theory, and the role it plays in our strategy for personal resilience. In this module, you’ll discover how to apply the power of hope theory to stack the deck of success in your favor. Using your resilience template, you’ll recognize the new horizons that are possible, create the strategies to achieve those goals, and apply the tools to transcend the self-imposed limitations and difficult relationships in your life.

Session 10 | Q & A with Gregg Braden & Bruce Lipton

January 28-29, 2023

Saturday, 1/28/2023
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM | Doors Open, Registration
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM | Resilience Begins In The Heart: Traditional vs Adaptive Resilience with Gregg Braden
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM | Break
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | The Physics of Resilience – Entropy, Interference, and Noble Gas with Bruce Lipton
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM | Lunch Break
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM | The Biology of Resilience, Part 1: The Biological Imperative with Bruce Lipton
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM | Break
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM | A Very Personal Question: How Do You Cope? with Gregg Braden
5:30 PM – 6:15 PM | Q & A with Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton
6:15PM – 7:30PM | VIP Reception with Gregg Braden & Bruce Lipton

Sunday, 1/28/2023
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM | Doors Open, Registration
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM | A Second Personal Question: What’s The Meaning of Your Life? with Gregg Braden
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM | Break
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM | The Biology of Resilience, Part 2: Adaptation and Evolution with Bruce Lipton
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM | Lunch Break
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM | The Psychology and Spirituality of Resilience – The Two Minds -Programming – Our Spirituality with Bruce Lipton
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM | Break
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM | The Science of Hope Theory: Beyond Goals, Dreams and Wishes with Gregg Braden
5:30 PM – 6:15 PM | Q & A with Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton

*All times are listed in Mountain Standard Time (MST). Times are subject to change without notice.

You’ll Love Our State-of-the-art Events Center!


Join us at Gaia’s headquarters outside of Boulder, Colorado at our new, state-of-the-art event space nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains less than 30 minutes from Denver. Here you’ll have the opportunity to experience immersive workshops and events with top thought-leaders in an intimate setting and form connections with a like-minded community who are journeying with you on your personal path.

Address: 833 W South Boulder Road, Louisville, CO 80027



The Hotel Boulderado has kindly extended a 20% discount to all Gaia Event attendees. To accept this offer, provide the Rate Access/Corporate Code “GAIAEVENT” when selecting your room online.


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Meet the Speakers


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Bruce Lipton

“The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.” — Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized leader in epigenetics and bestselling author of The Honeymoon Effect and The Biology of Belief. Dr. Lipton is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and workshop presenter who links the latest science and spiritual inquiry to illuminate the connection between environment and well-being, its profound effect on our personal life, and the collective life of our species.

He is the host of Gaia Original series, Inner Evolution, presenter of the transformative two-day event, The Grand Convergence, and is featured in an abundance of Gaia content, including The Way of Miracles and The Living Matrix.

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Gregg Braden

“When we marry the best science of the modern world and 5,000 years of human experience, and we weave those into a wisdom that’s greater than either of the two ways of knowing, we give ourselves an evolutionary edge that, perhaps for the first time in human history, our ancestors never had.” — Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden is an internationally renowned visionary, scientist, and five-time New York Times bestselling author. He began his career as a problem-solver for Fortune 500 companies like Cisco Systems. Now he teaches a global community how to solve problems in their own lives by making important decisions from heart awareness.

Gregg is the host of Gaia Original series, Missing Links, presenter of transformative workshops like Pure Human, and has been a guest on several Gaia series, including Ancient Civilizations, and Beyond Belief.

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Experience this immersive workshop with two of the world’s top transformational experts and a community of like-minded seekers from the comfort of your home. Join Gaia+ to enjoy all of Gaia’s upcoming and on demand workshops, plus access 8,000+ titles created to support your journey of self-growth. For more information, click here!



Join Bruce Lipton and Gregg Braden Online With Gaia+

Experience this immersive workshop with two of the world’s top transformational experts and a community of like-minded seekers from the comfort of your home. Join Gaia+ to enjoy all of Gaia’s upcoming and on demand workshops, plus access 8,000+ titles created to support your journey of self-growth. For more information, click here!


Commonly Asked Questions

What is Gaia+?

Gaia+ is Gaia’s online workshops and events subscription plan. With Gaia+, you can experience immersive live events with world-renowned thought leaders and chat in real-time with a like-minded community from the comfort of your home. Or watch our growing library of on demand events with leading edge experts in truth-seeking and transformation. 

You’ll also have unlimited, ad-free access to Gaia’s full library of 8,000+ original series, films, documentaries, classes, and more! Keep an eye on the upcoming event schedule here and get ready to elevate your growth.

Is there a way to check out Gaia+ before I purchase?

Yes! The first hour of a live event is available for free to all Gaia members and non-members during the livestream. If you’re a Gaia Member, you also have access to watch the first session of most on demand events. Please view our list of live events here for upcoming dates and times. 

Which devices can I use to livestream events with Gaia+?

With your Gaia+ membership, you can watch workshops live or on demand on most devices: web browser (we recommend Chrome), Gaia App on iOS and Android, Roku, FireTV and Firestick, and AppleTV.

Are the Gaia+ series available in my language? 

The Gaia+ library is available in English and dubbed in Spanish. Most livestreamed events are available in English with simultaneous Spanish translations. We look forward to supporting additional languages in the future!

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