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Stuck at home? Anxious? Depressed? Learn how to break free from negative beliefs & past conditioning in season 2 of this groundbreaking new docu-series.
Worldwide Online Premiere NOW LIVE
TRANSCENDENCE 2 will help you to understand how the power of your thoughts can shape your life, your relationships, and the world around you.
With a host of never-before-seen interviews with some of the world’s leading experts and thought leaders on mind-body science, emotional healing, happiness, fulfillment, plant-based medicine, and bouncing back, this FOOD MATTERS original series will inspire you to examine your own life more deeply and give you the tools to transcend your limitations, unlock your personal power and achieve elevated states of consciousness to manifest the life you truly desire.
Over five fascinating episodes you’ll hear from the likes of Vishen Lakhiani, Reverend Michael Beckwith, Shelly Lefkoe, Anthony William, Dave Asprey, Bradley Nelson, Sadhvi Bhagawatiji, Dawson Church, and many more, to uncover what could be holding your back from living an extraordinary life.
In Transcendence 2, you’ll discover:
- How to break the cycle of destructive habits, negative beliefs & addictions.
- The secrets to boosting your immunity using herbs & medicinal plants for the common cold to the pandemic we’re facing today.
- How to heal emotional trauma & past conditioning to create more loving and peaceful relationships.
- Tools to overcome depression, anxiety & fear once and for all.
- How to be a more conscious parent & talk to your children using empowering language.
- How to stop procrastination & start living a life aligned to your true purpose, without having to quit your job.
- Scientific techniques to reduce stress, slow the aging process & increase creativity.
- A method to ‘bouncing back’ from financial loss, broken relationships & grief.
“Our greatest gifts often lie next to our deepest wounds.”
Philip McKernan
1 Film | 5 Episodes | 23 Stories
Episode 1
From Domestication to Transformation
Episode 2
Recovering Your True Self
Episode 3
Emotional Healing & Overcoming Trauma
Episode 4
Healing Herbs & Sacred Medicine
Episode 5
Discovering Your Gifts
Your Transformation Begins Here.
We live in uncertain times. The whole world seems to be spinning out of control and it feels like everything has been turned upside down. The economy, environment, political landscape, and our health, and mental wellbeing.
Fear and uncertainty is being perpetuated by mainstream media and whipping the world into an anxious frenzy. When will this ever end? And what will the aftermath look like?
While it can seem overwhelming at times, sages throughout history have taught us that while we may not be able to control our external world we can control our inner world.
In this series you’ll learn from the personal experiences of those who have been in the darkest trenches, healed from trauma, and recovered from great adversity. Alongside expert commentary from some of the world’s leading minds on the latest science of mind-body connection
When you reach the end of episode five, you will have discovered new tools to break free from destructive habits, limiting beliefs and past conditioning to help you start living a life full of purpose, happiness and bliss.
James & Laurentine
Filmmakers of TRANSCENDENCE – Live Life Beyond The Ordinary, Food Matters & Hungry For Change, and founders of FMTV.
A new 5 part docu-series from the creators of FOOD MATTERS & HUNGRY FOR CHANGE
that will take you deeper into the mind & body than ever before.