Lisa Garr

Lisa Garr

Dedicating her life to the awareness of herself and her surroundings, Lisa Garr is the host of Gaiam Inspirations as well as The Aware Show; a talk radio program focused on self-development for healing and achievement.

Considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational programming, Garr has interviewed over 1,500 bestselling authors and experts in the fields of health, healing, personal growth, and spirituality since 1999. Her commitment to providing messages that inspire positive growth and change is unyielding and inspired by her own need for balance.

According to Garr, "I am learning, just like many listeners, and I make it a point to have guests give examples of how to apply their philosophies to everyday living. I bring into my conversations real-life situations, even aspects of my own life that will help clarify concepts. And with so many different angles presented by the different guests, I invite the listeners to hear what philosophies resonate with them and become empowered by making conscious choices."

200 videos found

The Akashic Records Made Easy with Sandra Anne Taylor
Wouldn’t you love to know your future? Even better: wouldn’t you love to write your future? Akashic Records expert Sandra Anne Taylor shows you how.
Do you want to know how to be at the right place at the right time? We can actually control that with our thoughts, but most of us don’t get the degree to which this is true.
Body Ecology Diet with Donna Gates
If you're experiencing pain, discomfort, or chronic fatigue, you could be suffering from an imbalance of yeast in the body. Find out what you can do to restore your health and rebuild your immunity.
Rewriting the Genetic Code with Dr. Mario Martinez
They say age ain’t nothing but a number. So, what if 90 were the new 50? And what if we could completely rewrite our own genetic code?
Marianne Williamson explores the meaning of “I am.” She contrasts the pressures of society, which lead us away from our true nature, with our connection with spirit, where we find our actual self.
Stay Inspired: Indie Spirit and Recovery with Chris Grosso
Every time Chris Grosso believed he had fallen about as far as he could fall, the bottom dropped out from under him and his life crashed lower. Then he connected with spirituality and found an inner serenity that allowed him to find a path away from substance abuse. Now, he helps others.
Happy from the Inside Out with Marci Shimoff
Marci Shimoff, bestselling author of Happy for No Reason, shares specific, simple exercises and techniques that can change your life.
Caroline Sutherland on Weight Loss
Find out how you can tune in to your body's needs to help manage your weight.
The Pleasure Principle with Dr. Sara Gottfried
Reclaim balance, restful sleep, sex drive and whole-body vitality: Author Dr. Sara Gottfried shares her tips and tricks for finding your natural hormone equilibrium and celebrating your life's mission with passion and purpose.
Proof of Heaven with Eben Alexander
As a highly trained neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander argued that near-death experiences were impossible – until he experienced one first-hand.
The Science of Heart Intelligence with Howard Martin
The spirit of humanity is rising to the occasion and we are ushering in a new and very different world right in the midst of the old one.
Good Health Drives Empowerment with Ben Fuchs
Ben Fuchs offers a wealth of easy-to-follow, easy-to-understand keys to better health, including six common-sense steps for a stronger you.
Proof of a Mindful Universe with Eben Alexander
Eben Alexander, bridging the gap between science and spirituality, explores what it means to live your life when you know that consciousness never dies.
Qigong for Healing with Chunyi Lin
“A healer in every family and a world without pain.” This is the vision of Master Chunyi Lin. He demonstrates several techniques for waking up the chi, easing back pain, headache, improving eyesight, opening blockages, and more.
10 Things to Know Before You Go with Dannion Brinkley
After nearly escaping death on multiple occasions, Dannion Brinkley wrote several books on what it’s like to begin the journey to the next realm.
Stay Inspired: Loving Our Imperfections with Arielle Ford
Arielle Ford, a student of love, discusses the art of finding perfect love in imperfect relationships. In this insightful interview, Arielle and Lisa explore the nature of a soulmate and look at some of the myths surrounding that concept.
Secrets to Intuitive Success with William Whitecloud
Join William Whitecloud, author of The Magician's Way, as he outlines how you can tap into your intuition and follow this innate guidance for a more successful life.
Listening to Your Guides with Sonia Choquette
Our spiritual tools cannot keep trouble away, but they can help us deal with it. If you’re going through a really big change, this can be a time to reinvent yourself. Ask your guides for help and they show up.