Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

200 videos found

Soul Mates and Sacred Contracts with Arielle Ford
Open Minds
Passionate love can come on in a flash and can weather just as quickly. But when the chemistry goes away, you finally get to meet the real person in your relationship. Now is the time you come to terms with compatibility and if you were meant to be together.
Open Minds
Discover the parallels that connect our current shift in consciousness to the ancient culture of Atlantis. Sheila Gillette returns bringing the wisdom of the Theo group to discuss the importance of soul integration.
Balancing Feminine and Masculine with Cate Montana
Open Minds
It is never too late to discover the unique wisdom and strengths of feminine and masculine forces by bringing balance to the yin and yang within. Cate Montana reveals the life-long journey that led her to embrace and embody her own feminine and masculine strengths
Frequencies of Healing with Gail Lynn
Open Minds
The more we come to understand that we are beings of energy, the more important it becomes that we explore the healing potential of frequencies. Gail Lynn discusses how she uses sound and light waves to help her clients heal.
Columbus’s Quest for Gold with Carl Lehrburger
Open Minds
Carl Lehrburger unravels what may be the true history behind the discovery of America, which is nothing like what we were taught in school. It is possible that the rulers already knew of the New World and its riches? If so, then what were the true motivations for Columbus’s voyage?
This Is Your Brain on Meditation with Joe Dispenza
Healing Matrix
Can simple meditation practices help you re-wire your brain? Yes, explains Joe Dispenza, D.C., author of Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.
Dying to Wake Up with Rajiv Parti
Open Minds
Near death experiences have the profound ability to changes one’s life forever. Rajiv Parti brings the wisdom he gained from the other side to help other heal their heart, through the power of forgiveness and connecting with the stillness within.
Café at the End of the Universe with Jerry Wills
Open Minds
It took a trip to the café at the end of the universe for Jerry Wills to realize that we are not alone. His visits gave him the insight to recognize various otherworldly beings, their devious designs for humanity and how to avert them.
Manifesting Inner Wealth with Belinda Womack
Open Minds
There really is something blocking you from achieving the wealth that you seek, and it is deep within. Belinda Womack returns to channel archangels and financial masters to help you tap into your own creative power and achieve true inner wealth.
King Arthur Mythos with Caitlin Matthews
Open Minds
Caitlin Matthews has undertaken a deep study of the history and cultures which gave rise to the legend of King Arthur in order to uncover the truths underlying this pervasive mythos.
Breaking Archontic Control with David Icke
Open Minds
David Icke calls us to question the nature of the reality that we are living in, so that we can see the machinations manipulating our minds into lower states. Breaking free from this archontic control enables us to tap into a reality beyond these projected paradigms.
Pharmaceutical Fraud
Open Minds
Is the pharmaceutical industry endangering our health for the sake of profits?
A Simple Method for Manifestation
Open Minds
Bill McKenna shares that in his experience as an energy healer and teacher, he has learned how the energies of the chakras are connected to what manifests in our lives.
Extraordinary Encounters with Extraterrestrial Entities
Open Minds
As a historian that specializes in extraterrestrial contact, Richard Dolan has studied the gamut of UFO history from science and military to personal accounts. Now, he shares a few of these strange stories which may have a lasting and profound effect upon our civilization.
Open Minds
There are signs of otherworldly beings everywhere in the ancient world. Were these gods or beings from elsewhere?
A Vatican Exile on Reincarnation & Cosmology
Open Minds
How can a priest barred from the Vatican help us explore reincarnation? Licensed clinical psychologist, theologian, and priest Sean O'Laoire joins Open Minds to share his studies into the divine nature of the universe.
The Endgame of Geoengineering with Scott Stevens
Open Minds
Scott Stevens brings forward new information on the increasing frequency and intensity of the extreme weather patterns we have recently experienced. Unsurprisingly, at the core of the issue we find widespread geoengineering programs.
The Neuroscience of Conscious Practices
Open Minds
How can we rewire and optimize our brain potential through taking conscious action with our health? Learn how spiritual practices are being proven scientifically-effective with neuroscientist and MIT professor Tara Swart, Ph.D.