Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith

Regina Meredith has worn most of the hats available in the world of mainstream media, having been a show host, news anchor, network sport broadcaster, reporter, producer and writer. Among her productions were the award-winning documentary Sierra in Peril, aired throughout the PBS network, followed by Regina’s Vegetarian Table, which aired for 6 seasons on PBS and internationally.

Feeling a call to begin exploring her personal passion of the metaphysical and alternative worlds of information, in 2004 Regina and her husband Scott Meredith founded Conscious Media Network, which was among the original sites to offer internet streaming of conscious videos. Since the merger of Conscious Media Network with GaiamTV in 2012, Regina has continued bringing thought-provoking information to the global GaiamTV audience through her Open Minds, Healing Matrix and Phenomena programs.

200 videos found

Breaking Archontic Control with David Icke
Open Minds
David Icke calls us to question the nature of the reality that we are living in, so that we can see the machinations manipulating our minds into lower states. Breaking free from this archontic control enables us to tap into a reality beyond these projected paradigms.
The Sovereign Mind
Open Minds
Are we entitled to adult sovereignty of consciousness?
A Vatican Exile on Reincarnation & Cosmology
Open Minds
How can a priest barred from the Vatican help us explore reincarnation? Licensed clinical psychologist, theologian, and priest Sean O'Laoire joins Open Minds to share his studies into the divine nature of the universe.
The Endgame of Geoengineering with Scott Stevens
Open Minds
Scott Stevens brings forward new information on the increasing frequency and intensity of the extreme weather patterns we have recently experienced. Unsurprisingly, at the core of the issue we find widespread geoengineering programs.
A New Energy Medicine Revolution with Glenn Streeter
Open Minds
Glenn Streeter explores the history of inventions from the 1800s to advanced technology that operates on a multidimensional level.
Exposing the Stephenville UFO with Ken Cherry
Open Minds
To disclose or not to disclose is not up for debate with those who are desperately awaiting the official revelation of otherworldly beings and advanced technology. But who could have ever guessed that a small college town in Texas just might be the location of the catalyzing events we have all be waiting for.
The Neuroscience of Conscious Practices
Open Minds
How can we rewire and optimize our brain potential through taking conscious action with our health? Learn how spiritual practices are being proven scientifically-effective with neuroscientist and MIT professor Tara Swart, Ph.D.
Meanings of Nightmares & Dreams
Open Minds
What do our dreams tell us about the waking world? Theresa Cheung is an expert in decoding the hidden meaning found in the world of dreams. She explains what we can learn about precognition and symbolism in our dreams.
Mysterious Origins of Humans
Open Minds
Legends of Mu/Lemuria and Atlantis offer a complex picture of Humanity's origins.
The Astrology of Close Encounters with Heather Arielle
Open Minds
Contact with extraterrestrial intelligence may not really be as random as it seems. Astrologer Heather Arielle examines the charts of her clients who have had extraterrestrial experiences and highlights what they have in common.
Shifting Consciousness with ET Guidance
Open Minds
If extraterrestrial beings exist beyond our current perceptions, how can we communicate with them? Is it possible that superior civilizations can help us to bring peace to Earth? ET contactee and experiencer Tim describes his face-to-face experiences.
Psilocybin Mushroom Explorer with Simon G. Powell
Open Minds
It has become Simon G. Powell’s mission to bring forward the spiritual benefits and a scientific understanding of psilocybin in order to change the way government agencies and cultural norms approach natural psychoactive substances.
Accessing Intuitive Healing with Jerry Wills
Open Minds
Jerry Wills shares some of his secrets to his intuitive healing process. He explains how we each can connect with our own healing power and take an active role in our wellbeing.
Could AI Redefine Consciousness?
Open Minds
How can humanity best interface with rapidly expanding artificial intelligence and could it unlock secrets of the human mind? Celebrated engineer Sir Charles Shults III discuss3w AI in relation to human consciousness at the dawn of neurotechnologies.
Hacking the Financial Matrix
Open Minds
Billy Carson provides a framework to understand the observable science of manifestation within the 3D matrix and financial systems.
Unblocking Your True Purpose with Jean Slatter
Open Minds
Jean Slatter discusses the challenges we all face as we struggle with the blockages to fulfilling our life’s purpose. Learning to tune into the higher part of you, that actually knows what is going on, helps to bring the clarity you seek.
Technologies of Ancient Egypt
Open Minds
Were the pyramids built to provide a highly technical society with energy?
Lynne McTaggart on the Power of Intention
Lynne McTaggart, best-selling author, researcher and lecturer, shares her understanding of the connectedness of all things and of the power of our thoughts and intentions.