Eat, Grow, Love
1 Season . 4 Episodes TV-PG

Eat Grow Love takes you on a global journey to explore how permaculture offers answers to some of our most profound questions about sustainability and creating a better world.

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Eat, Grow, Love (Preview)

Industrialized agriculture has reshaped our society's nutritional foundation, leaving 40% of our food wasted and depleting our soils of vital nutrients. Although the world's problems grow increasingly complex, the solutions can often be remarkably simple.

Honored with the UNEP Ecofilmprize at the Science Film Festival 2021, Eat Grow Love takes you on a global journey to explore how permaculture offers answers to some of our most profound questions about sustainability and creating a better world.

Follow six inspiring individuals from Australia, the USA, Iceland, Palestine, the UK, and India, each demonstrating how food can be grown in any climate. By designing regenerative systems, they transform depleted landscapes into thriving ecosystems, foster community resilience, and prove that sustainable living is within reach for all of us.

Featuring: Robyn Francis, Gil Lopez
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
18 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Robyn Francis
In the lush landscapes of Australia, Robyn Francis' intricate permaculture system goes beyond sustainability, demonstrating how thoughtful design and nature can unite to heal the planet.
15 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Gil Lopez
At Smiling Hogshead Ranch in the heart of New York City, an abandoned dumping site transforms into a thriving urban garden.
16 mins TV-PG
In Iceland, the Solheimar Eco Village transforms sustainability into a way of life, blending permaculture with community innovation.
15 mins TV-PG
At a rooftop garden transformed into a lush in the United Kingdom, diverse forest, permaculture redefines the way we grow food, nurture our soil, and build community.