Yoga Pose Library
Learn step-by-step pose instructions, modifications, pose benefits, and more
Welcome to our Yoga Pose Library!
This is the place to dive deeper into your yoga routine, discovering new yoga poses and developing a deeper understanding of the poses you practice regularly. We’ve taken dozens of the most commonly used yoga poses, breaking them down into categories so that you can find them easily. With all of this knowledge at your fingertips, you can quickly get from pose to pose, developing sequences that deliver your mind and body the perfect dose of exactly what you’ve been needing.
How to Use Yoga Pose Library
Once you’ve arrived on a pose page, you’ll find all the information you need, from pose benefits and associated mudras and mantras, right down to step-by-step instructions of how to practice each pose safely and with proper alignment. From basic postures to advanced asanas, you’ll find the foundation of your practice right here.
- Teachers can find inspiration for an upcoming class;
- Students can access fresh ideas for their home practice;
- Or, any practitioner can discover modifications for a pose to fit their needs.
By bookmarking this page, you’ll be able to quickly access the yoga knowledge you need to advance your practice and understanding of yoga’s most popular asanas.
What are the best yoga poses for a beginner?
We recommend building your foundation with poses like Mountain pose (Tadasana) and Downward Facing Dog(Adho Mukha Svanasana). Also, since so many classes use Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) to warm up the body, becoming familiar with each pose in Surya Namaskar is a great way to feel comfortable and confident on your mat. To develop flexibility, forward folds are very effective. And, if it’s total body strength you’re after, creating a practice with a variety of the standing postures is a good place to get started.