George Noory
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George Noory is perhaps best known as the host of the nationally syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM, where he is heard by millions of listeners on more than 560 stations in the United States, as well as stations in Canada, Guam and Mexico. He has been the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program since January 1, 2003. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. Noory has co-authored four books. He grew up in Detroit.
500 videos found
Beyond Belief
Conversations with Colonel Corso with Paola Harris
In 1998, Paola Harris sat down with Colonel Phillip Corso, author of the famed book, “The Day After Roswell.” 20 years later, she finally released details of what she learned from that fateful meeting.
Beyond Belief
Validating the Whistleblowers with Dr. Robert Wood
Dr. Robert Wood leaves no stone unturned, from eyewitness testimonies to documents from technological companies and MJ-12, in his dauntless search to uncover the truth. To him, alien crash retrievals have led to more successful reverse engineering of alien craft than many people realize
Beyond Belief
Following Plato to Atlantis with Mark Adams
Since the dialogues of Plato, humanity has had an obsession with pinpointing the mythic lands of Atlantis. Mark Adams is no exception, but he takes a unique stance in his search for this ancient land, using Plato’s words as the authoritative source.
Beyond Belief
Spiritual Surgery in Action
Did “spiritual surgeons” save a little boy with leukemia? Intuitive healer Debra Martin returns to Beyond Belief to share the miraculous results of her mediumship in the case of her client, young Theo.
Beyond Belief
Shadow People and the Secret War with Heidi Hollis
In the quiet serenity of night, shadows delicately drape across the room. A movement catches your eye as one of the shadows takes the shape of a person and the tranquility is broken. Was it your imagination or is something sinister lurking in the darkness?
Beyond Belief
From Corporate to Carefree with Susanne Wilson
Susanne Wilson discusses the difficulties she faced as she secretly developed her psychic abilities while climbing the corporate ladder. But a near death experience literally changed her mind about what was important for her life.
Beyond Belief
Mitigating Herd Mentality with Judy Wood
Judy Wood expounds upon ways that the media has misled us in times of calamity, such as 9/11, and more. She helps us find ways to mitigate herd mentality by being able to accurately evaluate the facts.
Beyond Belief
Living in a 5G World with Ben Stewart
What will it be like to live in a 5G world? Ben Stewart weighs in on the potential health risks, privacy concerns, and the hope that 5G can bring to our future.
Beyond Belief
Messages from Beyond with Victor Paruta
We may be spiritual beings living in a physical world, but the other side of life is still a great mystery. Psychic medium Victor Paruta offers profound insights many of the great questions about reincarnation and receiving messages from beyond.
Beyond Belief
Dispelling Doubts of the Afterlife
According to Roberta Grimes, life, taxes, death, and the afterlife are all certainties. She has sifted through more than 200 years of recorded near-death contacts to dissuade any lingering doubts about the existence of the afterlife.
Beyond Belief
A Hybrid's Story with Kate Thorvaldsen
An experience with an unearthly creature, at age 3, set Kate Thorvaldsen’s life on an amazing trajectory. This was just the first of three major life-changing encounters. She shares her unique perception on paranormal activity across the planet.
Beyond Belief
Back to the Moon with Brooks Agnew
How will humanity return to the moon? Brooks Agnew discusses the next steps humanity will be taking as we build permanent infrastructure on the Moon and expand onto Mars.
Beyond Belief
Megaliths and the Human Mind with Jason Martell
Once upon a time, humans knew how to carve and arrange giant stones to be in precise celestial alignment. Jason Martell explains how repeating cycles of knowledge have obscured an ancient history filled with advanced technology and interactions with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Beyond Belief
America’s Financial Reckoning Day with Chuck Coppes
In 2008 a financial crisis struck the United States from which we still have not fully recovered. Chuck Coppes expounds upon the history of money and central banking, which lay at the heart of this continuing crunch.
Beyond Belief
Psychotronic Weapons with Dr. John R. Hall
In this show, Dr. John R. Hall describes how to overcome the adverse effects of Psychotronic weapons, like satellite-powered mind-control technology.
Beyond Belief
Cancer: Step Outside the Box with Ty Bollinger
Ty Bolliger, espouses looking beyond established medical practices by exploring the benefits of natural foods, nutritional supplements and positive thinking as ways to stay healthy in hopes of staving off cancer.
Beyond Belief
The End of Natural Weather with Scott Stevens
It is apparent that something strange is going on with the weather. As a weatherman, Scott Stevens saw firsthand how much of this story was not being reported. He now reveals what he has discovered about weather manipulation, alternative energy sources and the end of natural weather.
Beyond Belief
Skulls of Power with Paul Koudounaris
Throughout the world, elaborately decorated skeletons are put on display to create special sanctuaries. Offerings are presented to these adorned remains in hopes that the dead assist the living. Paul Koudounaris explains the various cultural beliefs and practices that give rise to the supernatural powers of venerated remains.
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