ETs Among Us
1 Season . 6 Episodes TV-PG

What are the political motivations for the government’s continuing cover up of UFO phenomena? With a host of researchers and insiders, the clandestine evidence is brought forth from the shadows, for you to evaluate and decide: are ETs among us?

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ETs Among Us (Preview)

What are the political motivations for the government’s continuing cover up of UFO phenomena? This series explores top-secret information on UFOs, alien bases, contact with extraterrestrials, and the presence of hybrids on Earth. With a host of researchers and insiders, the clandestine evidence is brought forth from the shadows, for you to evaluate and decide: are ETs among us?

Featuring: Cybela Clare, Wendelle C. Stevens, Clifford Stone, Richard Dolan, Robert Morningstar, Linda Moulton Howe, Nick Pope, Debbie Ziegelmeyer, Robert Dean, Barbara Lamb
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
1 hr 25 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Cybela Clare, Wendelle C. Stevens, Clifford Stone
This documentary exposes political motivations for the government’s cover up of UFO phenomena: underground bases, reverse engineering of crashed UFOs, NASA’s shocking evidence of intelligent alien life, and a history of an ongoing alien presence on Earth.
55 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Richard Dolan, Robert Morningstar, Linda Moulton Howe, Nick Pope, Debbie Ziegelmeyer
This sequel to the award-winning "ETs Among Us" covers a history of Antarctica and ongoing UFO connections, Mars and parallels with Moon and Antarctica, underwater ET bases, and our extraterrestrial origins.
58 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Richard Dolan, Robert Morningstar, Linda Moulton Howe, Nick Pope, Robert Dean
A top secret space program run by humans, alien telepathy and human/ET communicators/translators, and new areas of the alien abduction phenomenon. Award-winning researcher Linda Moulton Howe reveals surprising clues.
50 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Barbara Lamb
Renowned psychotherapist Barbara Lamb provides irrefutable proof of ET/Human Hybrids, detailing various hybrid species, their specific traits, extraordinary abilities and their mission on Earth.
19 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Linda Moulton Howe
Peabody Award-winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe analyzes parallel binary code warnings from UFOs 35 years apart.
33 mins TV-PG
Are ETs among us? Sebastien Martin, a highly successful business leader, shares the psychic visions that changed the course of his life and helped him to find his soul origins.