Shakespeare Decoded
1 Season . 7 Episodes TV-PG

How do mathematical codes and alchemical clues left within the works of Shakespeare reveal his connections with Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, and royal families? Follow this new Gaia Original series with author Alan W. Green.

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Shakespeare Decoded (Preview)


How do mathematical codes and alchemical clues left within the works of Shakespeare reveal his connections with Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, and royal families? Enter the gateway into a hidden world of espionage and esoterica as author Alan W. Green connects some of the biggest names and secret societies throughout history. From encoded messages within Shakespeare’s sonnets and Renaissance-era ciphers to modern revelations only recently discovered, Green guides us through layers of mysteries to uncover truths almost lost to time.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
30 mins TV-PG
Who or what was Shakespeare? Explore the heist exposing Freemasonic clues that began a quest to uncover one of the biggest cover-ups in history. From alchemical creations of John Dee to mysteries of Edward de Vere, author Alan W. Green connects the clues.
31 mins TV-PG
How can we decipher the codes of Shakespeare and who helped him throughout history? Author Alan W. Green exposes the espionage and ciphers from 400 years ago to uncover a narrative that was intentionally hidden, with evidence still unraveling the mystery.
28 mins TV-PG
What is the Shakespeare equation? Author Alan W. Green illuminates how mathematical constants, like the golden ratio, are hidden within the geometrically perfect sonnets of William Shakespeare through linking poetry, history, and astronomy.
22 mins TV-PG
What are the lost links between Egyptian Mystery Schools and the Shakespeare Equation? Join author Alan W. Green to explore the anagrams, annotations, astronomy, and encoded iconographies connecting different eras with the mysteries of Shakespeare.
22 mins TV-PG
What are the links between Shakespeare’s works and the best-selling Bible of all time? From the royals to the Rosicrucians, author Alan W. Green, trace the mirror parallels that Shakespeare deliberately created between his works and the King James Bible.
28 mins TV-PG
How does symbolism of the hawke help us find coordinates hidden within Hamlet? Author Alan W. Green leads an esoteric adventure exploring the connections between secret societies through the Bard’s folios and his encoded links with history.
31 mins TV-PG
How are numbers, letters, and symbols used as encrypted clues of a royal scandal within Shakespeare’s works? In this last act of the play within the play, author Alan W. Green exposes undeniable ciphers linking figures, places, and theologies across time.