Goddesses in Older Women (Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen)
Thinking Allowed
Jeffrey Mishlove
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What can the goddess of the Greek, Hindu, and Egyptian mythologies teach us about the experience as an older woman? Mishlove and Jean Shinoda Bolen examine the stories of goddesses like Athena, Metis, Hecate, Kali, and Sekhmet. Bolen says that the key to becoming a "juicy crone" is finding a balance of the energies of all the goddesses.
Each of their characters and stories has wisdom to offer, but you don't want to be caught up in just one of them. Bolen says that not everyone gets wise when they age, but the potential to become wise ripens. She emphasizes the need for cultivating wisdom and compassion. In addition to feeling compassion, action must follow.
Jeffrey Mishlove
Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen
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