
Pig Business with Lady Worcester

Environmental activism is a most unlikely role for an esteemed actress wedded to British nobility. However, this is the career path that Lady Tracy Worcester has found the most rewarding. Her greatest pursuit is to bring the travesties of corporate pig farming to light. These efforts have culminated in the documentary film, Pig Business. Lady Tracy Worcester calls for consumers to take the pig pledge in order to understand what our purchasing choices really mean in this interview with Regina Meredith.

Lady Tracy Worcester is a model and actress known for her role as Pru in the British detective series, C.A.T.S. Eyes. Since then, she has been active in green politics as the Associate Director of the International Society for Ecology and Culture, serving on the Council of the UK's Soil Association and was a member of the International Forum on Globalization. She produced the documentary, Pig Business, highlighting the environmental and health impact of industrialized pig farming.

Featuring: Lady Tracy Worcester
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English