George Noory
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George Noory is perhaps best known as the host of the nationally syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM, where he is heard by millions of listeners on more than 560 stations in the United States, as well as stations in Canada, Guam and Mexico. He has been the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program since January 1, 2003. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. Noory has co-authored four books. He grew up in Detroit.
500 videos found
Beyond Belief
Climate Change and the Vatican with Daniel Sheehan
Daniel Sheehan’s most passionate fight is to reduce humanity’s contribution to climate change. This is something to which even the Vatican has commented on.
Beyond Belief
Clearing Dark Energies with Deborah King
Dark energies come in many shapes and sizes from thought-forms to fallen angels. When they attach to a person, they can cause any manner of harm. Deborah King offers simple ways to clear out different types of dark energies and advises when it is time to call for help.
Beyond Belief
In Pursuit of the Truth with Stephen Bassett
Many drips of disclosure have already been released to the public through mainstream media. All we have to do is know what we are looking for in order to find it. Despite the slow trickle of information, with enough people pursuing the truth, one day we will get the answers we have all been seeking.
Beyond Belief
The Nazca Mummies: Following the Evidence with Jaime Maussan
Standing at the forefront of the discovery of anomalous humanoid mummies in Nazca, Peru, Jaime Maussan remains firm in his commitment to report the truth of this historic finding. He leaves no stone unturned in bringing to light the most recent results and addressing the concerns of the critics.
Beyond Belief
Skeletal Shrines with Paul Koudounaris
Long after their deaths, the legends of notable historical and religious figures continue to inspire throughout the generations. Their remains bear tales just as intriguing. Paul Koudounaris, an expert in the history of bone-decorated shrines, shares his photographs and the secret histories behind these skeletal shrines.
Beyond Belief
Proving Bigfoot with Rhettman Mullis
Despite the lack of definitive proof, researchers believe that they can understand how Bigfoot behaves and communicates. Rhettman Mullis recounts tales of tracking this elusive creature and reveals how he may one day prove the existence of Bigfoot.
Beyond Belief
Legends and Curses of Rock ‘n’ Roll with R. Gary Patterson
Why do many musicians die at the age of 27? Is it true that popular performers pay tribute to dark forces in exchange for fame and fortune? R. Gary Patterson has studied this strange history and has uncovered the truth behind many of the legends and curses of rock ‘n’ roll.
Beyond Belief
To Vaccinate or Not with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Despite these repeated threats a pending pandemic every year, we still have not experienced a worldwide disaster. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals some startling information about flu shots and potential threats against our rights to choose to vaccinate or not.
Beyond Belief
Shadow of the Hat Man with Heidi Hollis
Most shadows are in union with the peaceful stillness of night, others move with sinister intent. Many reports of these moving shadows include encounters with another ominous presence. Hollis reveals what she has learned about the Hat Man, an entity who often accompanies the shadow people.
Beyond Belief
Ending the Lunar Landing Debate? with Ken Johnston
Skeptics and believers alike continue to debate whether or not humans have actually set foot upon the moon. After refusing to follow orders to destroy original photographs from the Apollo missions, Ken Johnston has amassed a collection of images which may end the lunar landing debate.
Beyond Belief
Prophecies for America with Paul McGuire
We are perched upon the precipice of the abyss and poised to engage in the greatest battle of all time; for the first time in history, we can eradicate all life on the planet. Paul McGuire reveals prophecies for America and explains how we can fight off the shackles of the elite as the final countdown begins.
Beyond Belief
Religion and Star Visitors with Rev. Michael JS. Carter
Try to imagine how a chance meeting with someone from another world would change you and your beliefs. Rev. Michael JS. Carter shares personal reflections from his own encounters with star visitors and reveals more otherworldly encounters from the scriptures.
Beyond Belief
The Vaccine Epidemic with Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny
Vaccines have been credited with virtually eliminating polio and small pox. Despite their benefits, vaccinations are not a perfect solution. Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny draws from her years of experience and research to explain problems associated with the vaccine epidemic.
Beyond Belief
Resolving Past Life Issues with Ann Barham
There is more to a past life regression than simply learning who you were in another lifetime. Ann Barham helps her clients discover these gifts and challenges, and guides them in overcoming the unprocessed emotions which may still be causing problems within this lifetime.
Beyond Belief
Deciphering Biblical Prophecies with Ken Klein
The Old Testament is so full of metaphors and secret codes that many people cannot fully understand the true meanings of the texts. Ken Klein’s life work is the study of biblical prophecy and he reveals what he believes is Lucifer’s plan for us all.
Beyond Belief
Breaking the Truth Embargo with Stephen Bassett
In Roswell, NM, July 1947, the most extraordinary manipulation of public perception in human history began. Stephen Bassett has made it his life’s work to break this truth embargo and force the governments to disclose the truth they have been hiding from us all.
Beyond Belief
Merging Spirit and Technology with Jonathan Zap
Jonathan Zap defines a new frontier of the mind as advances in technology offer human consciousness a massive upgrade. We stand upon the moment when the spiritual and technological merge, taking humanity to a new level of conscious evolution.
Beyond Belief
America’s Secret UFO History
Whether we want to admit it or not, UFO sightings are part of America’s secret history since World War II and the Cold War. Richard Dolan details important sightings from recent U.S. history and explains why these reports are still relevant in the 21st century.
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