George Noory
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George Noory is perhaps best known as the host of the nationally syndicated radio program Coast to Coast AM, where he is heard by millions of listeners on more than 560 stations in the United States, as well as stations in Canada, Guam and Mexico. He has been the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program since January 1, 2003. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. Noory has co-authored four books. He grew up in Detroit.
500 videos found
Beyond Belief
Helping the Dead Move On with Marla Frees
Psychic medium Marla Frees uses her gifts to make healing and transformative connections between the deceased and those they leave behind.
Beyond Belief
Conversations with Colonel Corso with Paola Harris
In 1998, Paola Harris sat down with Colonel Phillip Corso, author of the famed book, “The Day After Roswell.” 20 years later, she finally released details of what she learned from that fateful meeting.
Beyond Belief
Secrets of Remote Viewing with Ed Dames
You may have seen the movie, Men Who Stare at Goats, but did you know that it was based on real people? The U.S. Army developed a program, called remote viewing, which trained soldiers to be psychic spies. Major Ed Dames reveals the secrets of remote viewing and highlights many of its benefits.
Beyond Belief
A Life without Regret with Vincent Genna
Vincent Genna’s first crack at life did not seem to set him up to become a psychic who helps to empower people to believe in themselves, but that is exactly what happened. Now he helps people reflect upon their childhood dreams to discover what they were meant to do.
Beyond Belief
Let’s Talk Paranormal with Tracie Austin
It is easy, sometimes, to turn a blind eye to all of the strange and unexplained events that take place in the world, every day. Then along comes someone like Tracie Austin whose passion it is to seek out and document paranormal occurrences from alien encounters to hauntings.
Beyond Belief
Megaliths and the Human Mind with Jason Martell
Once upon a time, humans knew how to carve and arrange giant stones to be in precise celestial alignment. Jason Martell explains how repeating cycles of knowledge have obscured an ancient history filled with advanced technology and interactions with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Beyond Belief
Hunting Bigfoot with Rhettman Mullis
Fuzzy photos and shaky videos are all part of a long history of Bigfoot sightings that dates back to 12th century woodcuts, which depict knights in combat with large hairy human-like creatures. Rhettman Mullis reveals several historical Bigfoot sightings and explains his multidisciplinary approach to hunting Bigfoot.
Beyond Belief
Resolving Past Life Issues with Ann Barham
There is more to a past life regression than simply learning who you were in another lifetime. Ann Barham helps her clients discover these gifts and challenges, and guides them in overcoming the unprocessed emotions which may still be causing problems within this lifetime.
Beyond Belief
Clearing Dark Energies with Deborah King
Dark energies come in many shapes and sizes from thought-forms to fallen angels. When they attach to a person, they can cause any manner of harm. Deborah King offers simple ways to clear out different types of dark energies and advises when it is time to call for help.
Beyond Belief
The Worldwide Flood with Michael Jaye
What if the ancient tales of a worldwide flood were true? Michael Jaye brings forward evidence which suggests that the landscape of ancient Earth was vastly different from what it is today and was obliterated by a deluge affecting the entire planet.
Beyond Belief
Chemtrails and the Sun with Jay Weidner
The sun is moving into a phase that scientists do not fully understand and has the power-elite in a panic. Jay Weidner explains how the changing sun is advancing human consciousness and how those in power are working to stem this transformation, lest they lose their power-grip on the planet.
Beyond Belief
The End of Natural Weather with Scott Stevens
It is apparent that something strange is going on with the weather. As a weatherman, Scott Stevens saw firsthand how much of this story was not being reported. He now reveals what he has discovered about weather manipulation, alternative energy sources and the end of natural weather.
Beyond Belief
When Children Remember Past Lives with Susan Masino
Nothing could have prepared Susan Masino for her son recalling vivid details of a past life on board the ill-fated Titanic. She recounts her son’s turbulent journey of discovering who he once was and offers advice for parents whose children may be re-experiencing events from their own past lives.
Beyond Belief
The Truth on UFO Case Files with Nick Pope
As a member of the British Ministry of Defense, Nick Pope had access to some astounding information concerning UFO phenomena, much of which remains classified to this day. Today, he continues to pursue his passion to bring forward the truth concerning reports of UFOs and alien contact.
Beyond Belief
The Vaccine Epidemic with Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny
Vaccines have been credited with virtually eliminating polio and small pox. Despite their benefits, vaccinations are not a perfect solution. Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny draws from her years of experience and research to explain problems associated with the vaccine epidemic.
Beyond Belief
Merging Spirit and Technology with Jonathan Zap
Jonathan Zap defines a new frontier of the mind as advances in technology offer human consciousness a massive upgrade. We stand upon the moment when the spiritual and technological merge, taking humanity to a new level of conscious evolution.
Beyond Belief
Deciphering Biblical Prophecies with Ken Klein
The Old Testament is so full of metaphors and secret codes that many people cannot fully understand the true meanings of the texts. Ken Klein’s life work is the study of biblical prophecy and he reveals what he believes is Lucifer’s plan for us all.
Beyond Belief
Power of the Stones with Tom Benedict
Our subtle connection with the energies of the earth can be demonstrated through the healing power of stones. Tom Benedict explains the benefits of various stones and presents a healing stone reading that involves health concerns and insights to past lives.
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