Jimmy Church

Jimmy Church

Jimmy Church is a radio and television host that has been on networks such History Channel, A&E Network, iHeartRadio, Game Changer Network, and Travel Channel. He hosts the hit radio show on iHeartRadio, “Fade to Black,” which covers topics ranging from UFOs and extraterrestrials to ancient civilizations to secret government agendas to supernatural phenomena. In 2020 he was ranked the 15th most influential National Talk-show host by Talk Stream Live. He has been featured on the popular shows, “Hangar 1,” “Expedition X,” “The Unexplained,” and “Breaking Mysterious.” Up until 2020 he was the fill-in host for the syndicated radio talk-show, “Coast to Coast AM with George Noory,” on iHeartRadio.

23 videos found

Ancient Cataclysms That Reset Humanity
Into the Vortex
How many times have advanced human civilizations been wiped clean by catastrophic events? Celebrated author Randall Carlson joins Jimmy Church to offer insight on topics relating to catastrophes that wiped our Earth clean of ancient history.
Human Mothers, Hybrid Children
Into the Vortex
Are women giving birth to hybrid ET children? Clinical hypnotherapist and ET contactee Geraldine Orozco shares her personal experiences, as well as what she has learned from her work with women abducted by ETs who have also carried hybrid ET-human babies.
The Government’s Reverse-Engineered UFOs
Into the Vortex
Does the leaked Wilson-Davis memo offer substantial evidence of government involvement with extraterrestrials? UFO investigative researcher Melinda Leslie analyzes top-secret notes on a meeting between Admiral Thomas Wilson and astrophysicist Eric Davis.
A Harvard Professor’s Search for ET Tech
Into the Vortex
With the appearance of ‘Oumuamua and interstellar objects traveling in our solar system, do we have proof of non-terrestrial intelligence? Harvard professor and astrophysicist Avi Loeb exposes the data, minerals, and physics behind interstellar objects.
A Debrief on UAP Narratives
Into the Vortex
Why has the nomenclature changed from UFOs to UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena)? Editor-in-chief of The Debrief, Micah Hanks, joins host Jimmy Church to explore the evolution of human understanding and acceptance around non-terrestrial phenomena.