Randy Cramer

Randy Cramer

Randy Cramer is the public spokesperson for the U.S. Marine Corps. Special Section and a veteran of the secret space program’s “20 & Back” initiative. Cramer claims his tour of duty took him first to an elaborate, secret, fully equipped base on the moon, then to Mars. Cramer is said to have spent 17 years as a soldier in the Marine Corps Secret Space Fleet where he battled the reptilians of Mars. After a major loss of human lives during a battle between the military forces and native people of Mars, Cramer was deployed back to the moon where he spent his final three years as a military pilot.

32 videos found

Cosmic Disclosure
Randy Cramer returns to reveal details from many of the missions he experienced during his years with the secret space program. He describes what life was like on an intergalactic craft tasked with patrolling the solar system in search of E.T.s
Weapons of the SSP
Cosmic Disclosure
As a combat operative, Randy Cramer was trained in the use of weapons far in advance of what is available to conventional military forces on Earth. He describes various ranged weapons, hand-to-hand tactics, and E.T. weapons.
Operational Craft of the SSP
Cosmic Disclosure
The secret space programs could not exist without vehicles that traverse the vast distances between planets and solar systems. Randy Cramer describes the craft he used and experienced, including: fighters, shuttles, carriers, destroyers and Juggernauts.
Deeper into the Inner Earth
Cosmic Disclosure
Deep within the honeycomb structure our planet, lay biomes so diverse we cannot fathom variety of life. Randy Cramer discusses his encounters with these inner-planetary places and reveals some of the technology and beings within these realms.
Randy Cramer on Disclosure
Cosmic Disclosure
We keep hearing reports of impending events which will initiate major disclosures, but they never seem to manifest. Randy Cramer unravels many of the intricate layers involved with the approval of potential disclosure scenarios.
The Cortium: Intergalactic Diplomats
Cosmic Disclosure
Who are the Cortium and how do they link humans, hybrids, and other ETs? Captain Randy Cramer of the USMC Special Section rejoins Emery Smith to dive deep into the history of the Cortium and their role in assisting humanity with galactic interrelations.
Time Wars
Cosmic Disclosure
Randy Cramer tells us of his experience with members of the Time Corp, how they operate, and the theories underlying time travel and timelines merging.
Contact with Interdimensionals
Cosmic Disclosure
Randy Cramer reveals how we can tune our minds to become aware of beings who exists in different layers of reality. We are surrounded by beings capable of transiting across dimensions.
False Flag ET Invasion
Cosmic Disclosure
How will an undeniable worldwide disclosure unfold? Randy Cramer of the USMC Special Section shares his belief that disclosure will evolve from a false flag alien invasion, which will result in the reshaping of our planet, societies, and technologies.
Galactic Species Encounters
Cosmic Disclosure
Colonel Randy Cramer, USMCss (ret’d), talks about some of the prominent extraterrestrial species he has encountered throughout our galactic neighborhood.
Galactic Senate: Who Governs the Galaxy?
Cosmic Disclosure
What’s behind the Galactic Federation’s interest in Earth as a library planet and humans as an emerging psionic species?
Covert Tours of Duty & Memory Suppression
Cosmic Disclosure
How have covert Earth defense forces been able to keep their operations hidden for decades? Rejoining Emery Smith, Randy Cramer of the US Marine Corps Special Section shares from his direct experiences how individuals have their memories suppressed.
Antarctica: Bases & Beings
Cosmic Disclosure
What did Admiral Byrd really discover in Antarctica during Operation Highjump? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Randy Cramer to discuss the hidden histories of World War II and the resulting fallout.
Greys & EBENs: Friends or Foes?
Cosmic Disclosure
Do Greys and EBENs share a biological lineage that led to an intergalactic conflict? Tim rejoins Emery Smith for an in-depth discussion on the biological, technological, and philosophical differences between these two species who have interacted with Earth throughout history according to their own agendas.
Cosmic Disclosure
Randy Cramer comes forward to tell of his experiences within the 20 & Back program as a genetically and technologically augmented solider. As part of his testimony, he submits to a Polygraph examination and answers some challenging questions.
 Hybrids, Clones & Psionic Illusions
Cosmic Disclosure
Are extraterrestrials, hybrids, and clones walking among us? Tim Tactical Advisor rejoins Captain Randy Cramer of the USMC Special Section to discuss psionic illusions and soul consciousness.
Developing & Amplifying Psionic Output
Cosmic Disclosure
Do all humans possess the potential to develop and amplify psionic, or mental power, in the forms of telepathy, telekinesis, and precognition?
Time Wars & Progenitor ET Influences
Cosmic Disclosure
Have Progenitor ET species influenced humanity by manipulating timelines? Tim Tactical Advisor joins Captain Randy Cramer for an in-depth analysis of Progenitor ETs and their influences and agendas.