Being Present in Love with Troy Hadeed
1 Season . 2 Episodes TV-G

Join Troy Hadeed at his home in Trinidad as he discusses what it really means to live in the present. This two-part series will guide you on how to find presence to experience genuine love.

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Finding Presence (Preview)

Join Troy Hadeed at his home in Trinidad as he discusses what it really means to live in the present. This two-part series will guide you on how to find presence to experience genuine love.

Teacher: Troy Hadeed
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
11 mins TV-G
This casual yoga talk with Troy Hadeed talks about the power yoga can have in inviting love into your life. Troy discusses the desire to become completely present and cultivate new practices and new habits on your mat - so you can take them off your mat. This is part 1 of a 2-part talk.
10 mins TV-G
This yoga talk with Troy Hadeed is the second part of a two-part talk on being present to genuine love. Troy reminds you that you have the tools you need to stay present on and off your mat. All you have is the present moment, make the best of it!