Ervin Laszlo’s Legacy of a Coherent Universe
1 Season . 5 Episodes TV-PG

As a philosopher, Ervin Laszlo has spent a majority of his life digging into these mysteries. The fruits of his research reveal some startling discoveries of our untapped potential as a sapient species connected with a conscious coherent universe.

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Ervin Laszlo’s Legacy of a Coherent Universe (Preview)

Who are we and where have we come from?

As a philosopher, Ervin Laszlo has spent a majority of his life digging into these mysteries. The fruits of his research reveal some startling discoveries of our untapped potential as a sapient species connected with a conscious coherent universe.

In these episodes, he breaks down the complexity of these matters which have boggled the minds of even the most astute of scientist, including: our holotropic existence, life after death, and the vibratory nature of healing.

Featuring: Ervin Laszlo
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
37 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ervin Laszlo
Ervin Laszlo explores where we come from, with an understanding that our universe is holotropic – which means, moving toward wholeness. As we come into that awareness, we stand at the cusp of an evolutionary leap in consciousness.
27 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ervin Laszlo
Ervin Laszlo guides us on an exploration of the principles which are paving the way to human immortality. He explains vibratory coherence, where every cell and organ is in tune with the whole system.
33 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ervin Laszlo
Coherence, is needed for the wellbeing of an individual, as super-coherence is for the wellbeing of our civilization. Learning to work together will change the way we operate as a society and bring about a whole-systemic way of thinking and interacting.
43 mins TV-PG
Ervin Laszlo explains that our experience of this world is not limited to the here and now, as perceived by the eyes and ears. Music is an ideal example of our enhanced ability to perceive reality beyond the physical.
30 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ervin Laszlo
Ervin Laszlo is presented with many questions which bring forth further details on the nature of our holotropic reality. The information he offers helps us reach a unity-consciousness state to the benefit of each individual and the whole of humanity.