Hypnotherapy for Work & Career
1 Season . 8 Episodes TV-G

The hypnotherapy audio guided sessions in this series encourage a positive change to the way you think and feel in your work and career.

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Hypnotherapy for Work & Career (Preview)

For most, work is an important feature in your personal and social identity. It’s a way of making money, having a daily routine, giving you a level of physical and mental well-being, self-confidence and self-esteem as well as giving you a sense of self-worth provided by the feeling of contributing to society or the common good. But for some they lack confidence in the workplace stopping them from reaching their career goals and succeeding in business. The following audios will help you thrive in the workplace and include; Releasing Stress at Work, Career Confidence, Imposter Syndrome, Improved Memory & Concentration, Creativity & Ideas, Powerful Public Speaking and having more Business Meeting Presence.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapeutic technique that puts you into a deep state of relaxation, enabling access to the subconscious mind, using the power of suggestion. The audio guided sessions in this series encourage a positive change to the way you think and feel in your work and career.

Sophie Fox and Natasha Taylor are guided meditation experts and co-founders of House of Wellbeing. In 2005 they trained in London to be targeted guided meditation & hypnotherapists and have since been on a mission to help people have happy, healthy minds.

Please make sure you have listened to our introduction video at the start of this series to help understand how guided meditation and hypnotherapy works, and all the benefits it can bring.

Host: Natasha Taylor & Sophie Fox
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
3 mins TV-G
In this introduction to the Hypnotherapy for Work and Career audio meditations, instructor Sophie Fox shares some insights to help understand how guided meditation and hypnotherapy works and all the benefits it can bring.
17 mins TV-G
This Career Confidence guided meditation and hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who need more confidence at work.
26 mins TV-G
This Creativity & Ideas guided meditation and hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who want to learn the skill to be more creative in order to spark more ideas.
21 mins TV-G
This Powerful Public Speaking guided meditation and hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who need to have more confidence, learn to practice and prepare more, overcome nervousness and deliver exceptional public speaking moments.
24 mins TV-G
This Improved Memory & Concentration guided meditation and hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who want to improve their memory and be able to concentrate more.
21 mins TV-G
This Imposter Syndrome guided meditation and hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who constantly experience feeling like they don’t fit their role.
23 mins TV-G
This Business Meeting Presence guided meditation & hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who want to have more presence and impact in a business meeting.
20 mins TV-G
This Releasing Stress at Work guided meditation and hypnotherapy session is aimed for people who are feeling overwhelmed and stressed at work to the point their job is interfering with their work performance, health or personal life.