Morph: The Secret of Light Body Activation
1 Season . 9 Episodes TV-PG

In this lecture presentation, William Henry explores a secret, transmitted for thousands of years, and provides us, literally, with the key that unlocks the power of our soul.

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Morph: The Secret of Light Body Activation (Preview)

In this lecture presentation, William Henry explores a secret, transmitted for thousands of years, and provides us, literally, with the key that unlocks the power of our soul.

Throughout the ages the wisdom schools have taught that our true selves, our true potential and our highest purpose involves Transfiguring, Metamorphosing or “Morphing” into the next level of human evolution as light beings. The light form is composed of finer vibrations than our physical body. It gives form to our physical body. It’s been termed the immortal body, the Christ body, and the Etheric body, among other names.

This workshop offers practical spiritual facts about your light body and real keys to awakening it. You’ll feel the energy in your body come alive as you learn: What is the light body? What is it made of? How does it function? What are its powers? What does it take to develop its powers?

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English, Spanish, French, German
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The ladder we’re scaling is the stairway to heaven. Close your eyes and connect with your Divine Spark.
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Can we change our own biology by imagining the gates of the gods within us and absorbing the stories and engaging images of light bodies?