Remembering Humanity's Mission
1 Season . 5 Episodes TV-PG

Join Matias De Stefano, host of Gaia Original Series, Initiation, in this special one-day event. Matias will reconnect lost pieces of the past to help us understand why we are here and what we are meant to accomplish.

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Remembering Humanity's Mission (Preview)

Join Matias De Stefano, host of Gaia Original Series, Initiation, in this special one-day event. Matias will reconnect lost pieces of the past to help us understand why we are here and what we are meant to accomplish.

Matias guides us through a history that includes interstellar civilizations, human priests we called gods, and the evolutionary work they began through his perfect memory of past lives.

He describes a variety of extraterrestrial races who helped shape humanity and teaches us how we can awaken our abilities to connect with our spirit guides, access the Akashic Records, and follow our internal guidance system to live the mission we came here to realize.

1 hr 36 mins TV-PG
Session 1: Matías De Stefano at Gaia+ at GaiaSphere
1 hr 57 mins TV-PG
Matias De Stefano Gaia+ at GaiaSphere
47 mins TV-PG
Session 3 of Matias De Stefano Gaia+ at GaiaSphere
33 mins TV-PG
Session 4: Matias De Stefano answers questions from audience members, in-person and online.
1 hr 23 mins TV-PG
Session 5 of Matias De Stefano Gaia+ at GaiaSphere