Matías De Stefano

Matías De Stefano

At the age of 21, Matías De Stefano began to transmit his particular vision of understanding reality, helping thousands of people to have a different perspective of our environment and ourselves. His philosophical worldview can be translated as: “Heaven on Earth.” It is a concept explaining how we are creators of our own reality, as well as giving us the tools to be able to transcend it. He is currently developing new materials to help us understand the world and our role in it.

62 videos found

The Journey of Remembering
Matías De Stefano
Could Excalibur, the legendary sword of King Arthur, be lodged within the Earth's core, depleting its magnetic field? Join Matías as he connects with the wise Merlins and leads a group of initiates along the sacred path of stone circles through Great Britain's chakra system.
Reconnecting to Your True Nature
The Journey of Remembering
As the pilgrimage continues through the plexus of Great Britain, Matías De Stefano illuminates the power of detachment and balancing the feminine ego.
The Journey of Remembering
Join Initiation host Matías De Stefano as he recalls his early missions through Argentina and the beginnings of a worldwide movement.
Creating the Rainbow Bridge
The Journey of Remembering
The group embarks on their final journey to the Ring of Brodgar (earth) with the ultimate goal of connecting the land with Asgard (the realm of the gods). Here, they receive the white light of enlightenment to bridge heaven and earth.
In this first episode of Initiation, Matias De Stefano takes us deep into the first dimension where we understand that all existence stems from unity.
Weaving Metatron’s Cube Through the Heart
The Journey of Remembering
At Lake District, the group connects with the energy of Castlerigg, where the heart chakra acts as a machine that pulses time and space.
Activating 8D Frequencies
The Journey of Remembering
As the initiates journey into the eye of Loch Ness and the pineal gland, they unlock their inner vision and creative potential.
The Journey of Remembering
At the intersection of his soul’s journey and a global awakening, 2022 was the start of a 12,000-year reset for Matías De Stefano.
Healing Earth’s Broken Heart
The Journey of Remembering
Millions of years ago, a cataclysmic event broke the Earth’s heart. The time has come to heal that ancient wound.
Part 2: 11/11/11
The Journey of Remembering
Initiation host Matías De Stefano shares how his spirit guides tasked him with a difficult request to gather thousands of people in a very small area to clear and reactivate the energy of that space.
Part 5: The Path of the Dragon
The Journey of Remembering
Experience dangerous adventures and mystical meetings with spirits of the beyond as we continue the Journey of Remembering with Matías De Stefano. Matías shares how his path transformed through a near-death experience while on a treacherous trek in Tibet.
Matias De Stefano explains the concept of duality, weaving the network of time which projects into space as every possibility of creation and experience.
Turning Poison Into Medicine
The Journey of Remembering
Matías De Stefano's journey continues to the UK, exploring stone circles and sacred sites infused with powerful feminine energies. Initiates tread a path where poison transforms into medicine, embarking on a mission to restore the Earth's magnetic field.
Part 6: The Power Within
The Journey of Remembering
Join Matías De Stefano to continue his Journey of Remembering and find out what happens when his planetary mission is faced with the global lockdowns of 2020. Matías opens up about his struggles and how uncanny synchronicities help him overcome doubt.
Part 4: The Land of No One
The Journey of Remembering
Continue the Journey of Remembering with Matías De Stefano to find how the answers we need in life are not what we expect. Sharing his experiences from Lake Titicaca to the Great Pyramid, Matías explains how questions we ask are more important than the answers.
Awakening the First Wound
The Journey of Remembering
The journey through the UK continues with Matías De Stefano leading the group to Stonehenge. Not only is Stonehenge revered as the most significant of all the stone circles, but it also symbolizes the root chakra, serving as a gateway to discovering the "first wound".
Part 8: The Egg of the Dragon
The Journey of Remembering
How can we experience more synchronicity in our lives by letting go? Continuing his Journey of Remembering, Matías De Stefano exemplifies how to trust in the natural flow of existence and reminds us that we can “see the truth everywhere, if we open ourselves.”
From the interplay of positive and negative forces, comes the trinity, which creates our three-dimensional experience of time-space through sound, light and form.