The Way of the Psychonaut: Extended Interviews
1 Season . 9 Episodes TV-PG

Extended interviews with leading thinkers and researchers on psychedelics and entheogens expand the insights of the documentary The Way of the Psychonaut: Stanislav Grof’s Journey of Consciousness.

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What does the path of the psychonaut look like? These extended interviews with leading thinkers and researchers on psychedelics and entheogens expand the insights of the documentary The Way of the Psychonaut: Stanislav Grof’s Journey of Consciousness.

Featuring: Rupert Sheldrake, Maria Mangini, Rick Doblin, Fritjof Capra, Becca Tarnas, Sean Kelly, Ralph Metzner, Stanislav Grof, Susan Mokelke, Susan Hess Logeais
27 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Rupert Sheldrake
Rupert Sheldrake discusses his first meeting with Stanislav Grof, and how his own study of Morphic Resonance aligns with Grof’s work in restoring unconscious memories.
31 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Maria Mangini
Mariavittoria Mangini describes her experience with psychedelics in the late 60s and early 70s in California, and how her psychedelic experiences opened her mind and changed her life path.
35 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Rick Doblin
Psychotherapist Rick Doblin discusses his analysis of the Good Friday experiment of 1962 with psilocybin mushrooms. He explains his current work with psychedelic harm reduction, and how people can use psychedelic treatment to help them work through their difficult experiences.
31 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Fritjof Capra
Fritjof Capra describes his first meeting with Stan Grof in 1977, and how their work has aligned. Bonus interview to the documentary The Way of the Psychonaut.
30 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Becca Tarnas
Astrologer and artist Becca Tarnas speaks about the ways that archetypal forms can be found in astrological concepts throughout the world. Bonus interview to the documentary The Way of the Psychonaut.
32 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Sean Kelly
Transpersonal psychologist Sean Kelly describes the evolution of the models of psychology, now allowing us to see human experience in connection to spirit and the world as a whole.
41 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Ralph Metzner, Stanislav Grof
In conversation with Stanislav Grof, Ralph Metzner discusses the treatment of PTSD through therapeutic medicines such as cannabis and MDMA.
31 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Susan Mokelke
Susan Mokelke discusses the history of shamanic studies in the west, and how shamanic shifts in consciousness can be applied in modern cultural settings where shamanic traditions have been lost.
46 mins TV-PG
Featuring: Stanislav Grof, Susan Hess Logeais
Filmmaker Susan Hess Logeais conducts an in-depth interview with Stanislav Grof on his long career and the principles of psychedelic therapy, including condensed experience (COEX) and the near-death experience.