Truth Hunter
2 Seasons . 20 Episodes TV-PG

Linda Moulton Howe penetrates through all of the lies to expose what the governments of the world may know about the alien presence on Earth. Discover revelations about our universe, the solar system and the planet we live on.

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Revelations from Alien Encounters (Preview)

The truth really is out there, for those daring enough to seek it. It will take a bold investigative reporter to penetrate through all of the lies to expose what the governments of the world know about the alien presence on Earth.

Linda Moulton Howe has spent her life hunting the truth about ET activity and government cover-ups. In Truth Hunter, she brings to light details you may have never heard about prominent UFO cases and extraterrestrial contacts. Discover revelations about our universe, the solar system and the planet we live on.

Season 1: Explore stories of ET contact experience and UFO sightings across the globe.

Season 2: This special update of Truth Hunter with journalist Linda Moulton Howe features a series of exclusive interviews with Tim from Germany, a tactical advisor with covert projects on ET contact.

Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English, Spanish
56 mins TV-PG
Truth Hunter launches with Linda Moulton Howe exploring revelations forthcoming from profound alien encounters.
30 mins TV-PG
Whistleblowers from the military and government explain that Earth is caught in the middle of a battle to retain ownership of our planet, and we are simply pawns in a galactic chess game. Linda Moulton Howe conveys information she has collected from several insiders who have come forward to reveal what they know about the alien presence on Earth.
29 mins TV-PG
Linda Moulton Howe has analyzed the continuing binary communications transmitted through Staff Sergeant C.J. and information obtained through remote viewers like Lyn Buchanan. She reports on the four classifications of extraterrestrial beings and their particular motivations throughout this ongoing secret war.
32 mins TV-PG
Linda Moulton Howe begins an extensive exposé concerning the strange events of RAF Bentwaters/ Woodbridge which includes her personal interviews with eyewitnesses, a hypnosis session with contactee John Burrows, and an examination of official reports from those who were there.
30 mins TV-PG
Linda Moulton Howe continues her examination into the strange events of Rendlesham Forest in December of 1980.
31 mins TV-PG
In this special introductory overview episode of Truth Hunter, Linda Moulton Howe exposes deeper details of UFO crashes in the 1940s, the technologies which were recovered and the resultant government policies which instituted programs of secrecy and denial.
28 mins TV-PG
Linda Moulton Howe’s exposé into the RAF encounters comes to a startling conclusion with an examination of the binary messages produced by Staff Sargent Penniston following his contact with an alien craft in Rendlesham forest.
32 mins TV-PG
Linda Moulton Howe has a compiled a taxonomy of the many types of non-human entities which have visited our planet. Some are new to the planet, while others have interacted with humanity for over 70,000 years
31 mins TV-PG
In 1983, an anonymous source contacted Linda Moulton Howe to disclose what military intelligence organizations knew about the alien presence on Earth. We see documents which informed Reagan of five types of alien beings, their intentions for our people and an overview of their technological capabilities.
41 mins TV-PG
Organizations within the U.S. government are not the only ones implicated in a vast conspiracy to conceal the alien presence on Earth. Linda Moulton Howe explains that branches of the British government actively worked to conceal proof of alien activity.
45 mins TV-PG
Dig into presidential briefings to gain a clearer view of five species of aliens the U.S government know of and where the come from. These detailed disclosures tell us how long they have been on Earth and the extent of their genetic control over humanity.
1 min TV-PG
NEW SEASON BEGINS OCTOBER 17TH! This special update of Truth Hunter with journalist Linda Moulton Howe features a series of exclusive interviews with Tim from Germany, a tactical advisor with covert projects on ET contact.